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  4. ``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.
``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.


Eastwood, the last man to know the secrets of American cinema

Born in 1930, Eastwood has many memories of Hollywood's golden age of film. If you read the interviews, you will find encounters with legendary filmmakers one after another.

"For example, Howard Hawks. He was the first manager I ever met!"

"I met Frank Capra when we were filming `` Strangers in the Wild '' at Mono Lake in northern California."

"I only met [Alfred Hitchcock] once, much later, right before he died."

``I had the opportunity to contact Billy Wilder when he was preparing to film ``Wings of Paris''.''

(Excerpt from “ The Solitary Knight Clint Eastwood ”)

"Space Cowboys" (c)2007 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

Hmm, the names that appear are so Big that it makes me nervous as I read it. Eastwood is now a wise old man who has mastered the cinematography and storytelling techniques of good old Hollywood. When I read the pamphlet, the interviewer asked me the following questions.

Interviewer: "Isn't the setting in which the main character Frank is the only one who knows how to repair the satellite a metaphor for how you are the only one who knows the secrets of the great American movies of the 1950s?"

Eastwood: "That's an interesting point of view. I've never thought of it that way, but it's true that movies in the past showed things on a larger scale. They weren't making movies just to show it on TV. , because movies were only shown in movie theaters. They showed things on a certain scale."

(Excerpt from Clint Eastwood interview pamphlet)

Eastwood once buried the Western genre, which is synonymous with American cinema, with `` Unforgiven '' (1992). Ironically, however, Eastwood still stands tall in Hollywood as the last man to know the secrets of American cinema. We movie fans should be moved to tears by this feat.

Text: Rui Takeshima

A pop culture writer who wants to be kicked by Hit Girl. Host of the web magazine " POP MASTER ".

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(c)2007 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  4. ``Space Cowboys'' The American Hidden Figures of old delinquents is not easy.