2. movie
  3. J. Edgar
  4. “J. Edgar” is a monumental work in which DiCaprio awakened to become an eccentric “character actor”
“J. Edgar” is a monumental work in which DiCaprio awakened to become an eccentric “character actor”

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

“J. Edgar” is a monumental work in which DiCaprio awakened to become an eccentric “character actor”


The conflict between Eastwood and DiCaprio

Clint Eastwood originally had a completely different actor in mind for the role of John Edgar Hoover. I guess so. After all, he is a current money-making star who is often seen by paparazzi with his supermodel girlfriend. From yelling all the time, passionately kissing men, and wearing his dead mother's dress (like Norman Bates in Psycho ), the star actor has a lot to offer. An unsuitable character. However, Eastwood receives an enthusiastic offer from DiCaprio and decides to assign him this difficult role.

DiCaprio got the role he wanted and immediately started researching. He met with people who knew Hoover and asked them in depth questions about how he walked, how he talked, and what was on his desk. He dug up old footage and studied Hoover's speech style. I visited his birthplace and the Department of Justice, and created a precise image of John Edgar Hoover for myself.

"J. Edgar" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

However, rumors suggest that DiCaprio and Eastwood's relationship was not on good terms during filming. DiCaprio argued, ``Shouldn't we specifically depict the physical relationship between Hoover and Clyde Tolson?'', but Eastwood said, ``There's no need to go out of your way to depict that!'' Rejected without warning. Eastwood's comments were published in the New York Times.

"Obviously there's a love story here. Whether it's a gay love story or not, the audience can interpret it. My intention was to portray two men who love each other. But beyond that, it's none of my business."

(Excerpt from New York Times article)


That is not all. When DiCaprio, a perfectionist, was dissatisfied with his performance and asked for a retake, Eastwood scolded, "Rap (shut up)!" I just left. DiCaprio's proposal was a no-brainer for the aging legend, who generally shoots in one take without rehearsing.


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  2. movie
  3. J. Edgar
  4. “J. Edgar” is a monumental work in which DiCaprio awakened to become an eccentric “character actor”