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  3. Sex, Lies, and Videotape
  4. “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” “Changes caused by encounters” created by an angel/devil with a camera
“Sex, Lies, and Videotape” “Changes caused by encounters” created by an angel/devil with a camera

(C) 1988 Outlaw Productions. All Rights Reserved.

“Sex, Lies, and Videotape” “Changes caused by encounters” created by an angel/devil with a camera


Personal problems faced by each character

Each of the characters in this work has their own problems. As mentioned earlier, John is having an affair with his wife's sister, and Ann is mentally ill. On the outside, their relationship appears to be good, but in reality, it is not, so they could be called a "mask marriage." And Cynthia, who has a free-spirited personality, is having an affair with her sister's husband and seems to be toying with her behind her back. Graham, the intruder who further disrupts their troubled relationship, is no exception.

John and Graham are old friends from their college days. This is their first reunion in nine years. I think people can change a lot in nine years, but Graham's transformation seems abnormal to John. He describes Graham as a "crazy guy" from his college days. He certainly has an unusual aura about him, but I can't really imagine him as a "crazy guy." He's a gentle, quiet man, and whenever he opens his mouth, he speaks words that make you feel sincerity. What on earth happened to Graham?

Apparently, he is currently sexually impotent. However, he doesn't have any problems when he is alone. In other words, he becomes impotent when he is in front of other people. However, sexual activity generally presupposes "touching another person." Therefore, he is aware of his own impotence, and owns many videotapes of women talking about sexual matters. This is his particular sexual preference, and his "public" problem. I say "public" because this is not his essential problem. Graham's real problem is that he avoids interacting with other people.

"Sex, Lies, and Videotape" (C) 1988 Outlaw Productions. All Rights Reserved.

As in the society we live in, personal worries and problems, whatever their nature, are serious to the individual. Sometimes they can lead to taking one's own life, and can have a huge impact on relationships with the people around them.

Anne confides in John that her own troubles are nothing compared to the problem of starving children all over the world. However, individual problems and global problems are not the same. This is not about which is more serious, but as mentioned above, if they are important to the individual, they cannot be compared. Of course, the troubles of individuals - for example, Anne and Graham - are not the same. Even if they are both related to "sexuality" or "heart". As long as the two are different people, they cannot be compared.


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  4. “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” “Changes caused by encounters” created by an angel/devil with a camera