2. movie
  3. The Magnificent Seven
  4. A great Kurosawa remake that transforms the period drama "The Magnificent Seven" into a Western drama *Note! Contains spoilers.
A great Kurosawa remake that transforms the period drama "The Magnificent Seven" into a Western drama *Note! Contains spoilers.

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

A great Kurosawa remake that transforms the period drama "The Magnificent Seven" into a Western drama *Note! Contains spoilers.


John Sturges faced the challenge

John Sturges had other problems as well. The script was so abstract and vague that it wasn't clear in what order or how the gunmen would be killed at the climax (what's the point, given that three screenwriters had changed? ).

Sturges, puzzled, thinks about it and comes up with an idea. Lee (Robert Vaughn), Harry (Brad Dexter), O'Reilly (Charles Bronson), Bullitt(James Coburn)... The idea was to have them die in the order determined by the casting. ).

Rather than deciding on a rigid production plan, I tried to accommodate the actors' improvisational plays as much as possible. For example, the scene where Lee slides down the wall to his death was completely improvised by Robert Vaughn. Rather than trying to impose a clear style like Robert Aldrich, John Sturges worked with his actors to find the best method for the story. It can be said that this work had actors who could improvise.

"The Magnificent Seven" (c) Photofest / Getty Images

Although ``The Magnificent Seven'' was created with great difficulty, it received a storm of harsh reviews when it was released. It was a huge failure at the box office (although it was a big hit in Europe and ultimately turned a profit). However, the interesting story of ``Seven Samurai'' set in a rural Mexican village, John Sturges's classic and robust direction, and the lively acting of the actors who played the seven gunmen gradually gained acclaim. Nowadays, it is one of the most representative western movies. It is said that Akira Kurosawa was so impressed by his work that he gave John Sturges a ceremonial sword.

Later in life, Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen finally reconciled after having a rift. McQueen, who was suffering from cancer and was on his deathbed, reportedly expressed his gratitude to Brynner for casting him in ``The Magnificent Seven.'' That friendship and courage! They were literally the Magnificent Seven.

Text: Rui Takeshima

A pop culture writer who wants to be kicked by Hit Girl. Host of the web magazine "POP MASTER".

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. The Magnificent Seven
  4. A great Kurosawa remake that transforms the period drama "The Magnificent Seven" into a Western drama *Note! Contains spoilers.