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  3. Paris, 13th District
  4. “Paris, 13th District” Jacques Audiard and two female filmmakers created an orthodox romantic comedy.
“Paris, 13th District” Jacques Audiard and two female filmmakers created an orthodox romantic comedy.

© ShannaBesson ©PAGE 114 - France 2 Cinéma

“Paris, 13th District” Jacques Audiard and two female filmmakers created an orthodox romantic comedy.


The aim was to create a classic romantic comedy.

Audiard reportedly instructed Lucy Cheung, who played the role of Emily, to imagine herself as the heroine of Rob Reiner's 1989 film `` When Harry Met Sally... .'' Certainly, the relationship between Emily and Camille, who are inseparable despite their mutual repulsion, overlaps with that of Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. If so, isn't it clear what ``Paris, 13th District'' was aiming for? A story filled with sex and chatter, and one that ends with finding love with the right person. It's a classic romantic comedy style. It makes sense if you consider that the reason why they removed the atmosphere of Paris from the city and placed an unusual emphasis on the scenes where the women converse is because they aimed to create a classic romantic comedy made in Hollywood.

"Paris, 13th District" © ShannaBesson ©PAGE 114 - France 2 Cinéma

In the first place, Odiard has often depicted stories in which seemingly dissimilar people meet and end up with the right person. In addition to ``Read My Lips'' (2001) and `` The World I Walk With You'' (2012), which depict the interactions between men and women who have lived in completely different worlds, there is also `` The Prophet '', which tells the story of a young man's success in prison. ' is also a story about a fateful encounter and the fulfillment of a relationship. The protagonist meets various types of men, builds close relationships with them, and ultimately chooses the right one. In `` The Battle of Deepan '' (15), which depicts the struggle of people who fled to France from Sri Lanka during the civil war, those who meet as a pseudo-family decide to choose each other as their real family. `` The Sisters Brothers '' is set in the Western era of America, and the pursuer and the chased are attracted to each other, building a fleeting utopia. Whatever the subject matter, the format is always a love story.

In this way, ``Paris, 13th District'' pursues its goal of becoming a romantic comedy. Emily, Camille, and Nora all live in isolation, unable to form relationships with others. As they struggle to form a genuine relationship with someone, they lose sight of who they are meant to be with, make the wrong approach to their soul mate, and even misjudge their own sexuality. But don't worry. After a lot of sex and chatting, the happy ending finally arrives.

Text: Rie Tsukinaga

Film writer and editor. Editor of the magazine "Eiga Yokocho". He writes film reviews, columns, and interviews for Asahi Shimbun, Metropolitana, Weekly Bunshun, iD JAPAN, etc. He also edits books and movie pamphlets under the name Eiga Bar Editorial Office. Currently in charge of MC for the web program "Katsuben Cinema Club". eigasakaba.net 

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"Paris, 13th District"

April 22nd (Friday), Shinjuku Piccadilly and other nationwide releases

Ration: Long Ride

© ShannaBesson ©PAGE 114 - France 2 Cinéma


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  2. movie
  3. Paris, 13th District
  4. “Paris, 13th District” Jacques Audiard and two female filmmakers created an orthodox romantic comedy.