2. movie
  3. Call Me by Your Name
  4. What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?
What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?

©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?


"Call Me by Your Name" Synopsis

A summer resort in northern Italy in the summer of 1983. Elio, 17, meets Oliver, a 24-year-old graduate student from America. He is an assistant to his father, a university professor, and lives with Elio and his family during the summer. At first, Elio feels repulsed by Oliver's confident attitude, but like a mysterious magnet, the two attract and repel each other, and before they know it, they grow closer. The two eventually fall deeply in love. However, as summer ends, the day when Oliver leaves approaches...


A mood that makes you forget the situation of same-sex love

Northern Italy in 1983. 17-year-old Elio experiences a summer of love. The other person is Oliver, a 24-year-old graduate student. He is male. They are so deeply attracted to each other that they wish their names to be "one" and say, "Call Me by Your Name."

If I were to categorize this work as a genre after writing a story like this, would it be classified as a ``gay movie''? As for whether the genre of gay films exists in the first place, it's safe to say that it does, given the fact that "lesbian and gay film festivals" have a long history in countries around the world, including Japan. ``Call Me by Your Name'' is a pure love story between men, and James Ivory, who won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for this film, is also an openly gay man. It meets all the requirements for a gay movie.

However, while I realize that the impressions of this film will vary from person to person, I think it's a love story that will make you forget that they are two men. Despite the fact that a 17-year-old develops feelings for someone of the same sex, there is not much depiction of conflict or confusion. Elio's feelings for Oliver. Oliver's feelings in response to those feelings are depicted in a very honest way, and it can be said that the emphasis is on the relationship between a couple who are far apart in age rather than between men. A 17-year-old who falls head over heels in love for the first time. A 24-year-old who has some experience in love, he approaches courtship from someone younger with a calm attitude. This relationship emerges beyond gender.

“Call Me by Your Name” ©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

Ivory, who wrote the script, commented on the finished film that he was dissatisfied with the depiction of sex between men that was too beautiful, but the less graphic production may be the reason for the film's universal appeal. unknown. But more than that, I feel that modern understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ is also involved. I think more and more people are unconsciously accepting love between men as a natural thing.


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  2. movie
  3. Call Me by Your Name
  4. What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?