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  3. Call Me by Your Name
  4. “Call Me by Your Name” The most beautiful phrase shines even brighter when it becomes the Japanese title.
“Call Me by Your Name” The most beautiful phrase shines even brighter when it becomes the Japanese title.

©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

“Call Me by Your Name” The most beautiful phrase shines even brighter when it becomes the Japanese title.


"Call Me by Your Name" Synopsis

A summer resort in northern Italy in the summer of 1983. Elio, 17, meets Oliver, a 24-year-old graduate student from America. He is an assistant to his father, a university professor, and lives with Elio and his family during the summer. At first, Elio feels repulsed by Oliver's confident attitude, but like a mysterious magnet, the two attract and repel each other, and before they know it, they grow closer. The two eventually fall deeply in love. However, as summer ends, the day when Oliver leaves approaches...


Tastes like fine literature

``Call Me by Your Name'' is a movie that is like a classic novel.

The fate of the love story between 17-year-old Elio and 24-year-old Oliver, set during a summer in Northern Italy in 1983, is littered with gems of dialogue that will make you feel like you're being sucked into a beautiful love story.

``He's always lacked self-confidence. That's why I like him,'' he says, expressing his feelings of being drawn to the other person's unexpected side, and ``I'll try to restrain myself, fortunately, not yet...'', expressing his hesitation towards his deepening feelings. However, when he truly enjoys the time the two of them spend together, he honestly says, ``This is the best. Everything about it.'' And then, ``When summer comes, I wait for it to end,'' repeating the fate of love and the changing seasons...

“Call Me by Your Name” ©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

This is a rare work in which the act of following the subtitles becomes a happy moment. The most brilliant line among them is the one uttered by Oliver, who looks straight into Elio's face as their feelings reach the ultimate height.

"Call Me by Your Name. I'll call you by my name."

Immediately after this, Elio calls Oliver "Elio" and Oliver calls Elio "Oliver". It's a bit confusing when written in writing, but it's a line that embodies the theme of the work: exchanging names and becoming one with the other person is an expression of love between the two.

There is an original work for this work, and the title of the novel by Andre Aciman is ``Call Me by Your Name,'' which was also used as the title of the movie version. The most romantic moment in the story was inherited from James Ivory's screenplay, and the original author must be very satisfied. Andre Aciman also cooperated with the film, briefly appearing in a small role.


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  4. “Call Me by Your Name” The most beautiful phrase shines even brighter when it becomes the Japanese title.