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  3. Call Me by Your Name
  4. What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?
What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?

©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?


Same-sex love is being portrayed honestly in Japanese movies as well.

It seems that this mood has been corrected in recent years. In the Japanese film `` Simon & Tada Takashi ,'' directed by Manabu Oda in 2018, a high school boy falls in love with a classmate of the same sex, but there is almost no conflict or anguish in the story. They easily fall in love with someone of the same sex, and the person they fall in love with accepts it without any hesitation. Although the situation is similar to ``Sinbad on the Shore'' from 23 years ago, the reactions of the characters are completely different. If you ask me if this is the real situation in high schools today, I'm sure it's not, but I think the same-sex love depicted in movies is slowly changing.

In ``Call Me by Your Name,'' the generous response of the people around him, especially his parents, to the feelings of the main character Elio is surprising. Because of this, he was able to act ``naturally,'' and the emotional expressions in the movie also become ``natural.'' Such a situation would have been rare in the 1980s, but as a modern film, the parents' attitude is ideal.

“Call Me by Your Name” ©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

In an era where the idea that there is nothing unnatural about falling in love with someone of the same sex is gradually permeating the world, the genre of "gay movies" may disappear and simply shift to the genre of "love stories." do not have. There is a BL boom that seeks the form of pure love in the uniqueness, but it is also a normal trend for the uniqueness to disappear.

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"Call Me by Your Name"

April 27th (Friday), TOHO Cinemas Chante and others nationwide roadshow

Distribution: Phantom Film

Provided by: Culture Publishers/Phantom Film

©Frenesy, La Cinefacture

*Information at the time of article publication in May 2018.


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  2. movie
  3. Call Me by Your Name
  4. What genre does “Call Me by Your Name”, a masterpiece that makes you forget that you are two men, transcend?