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  3. Blade
  4. “Blade” The great success of the Marvel movie started from here!
“Blade” The great success of the Marvel movie started from here!

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

“Blade” The great success of the Marvel movie started from here!


The passion of the actor who brought the dark hero to life

The person who pushed for this project more than anyone else was Wesley Snipes, who both starred and produced the film. Denzel Washington and Laurence Fishburne were also considered as candidates for the lead role, but Snipes had more experience in action movies than them. Also, at the time, Snipes had just failed in planning a film adaptation of "Black Panther," also a Marvel original. He was enthusiastic about this rare project at the time, in which a black actor plays a comic book hero.

Having studied martial arts since childhood, Snipes was the perfect choice for the role of Blade, and had previously contributed to action films such as Passengers (1992) and Demolition Man (1993) by utilizing his martial arts background. "American action films rely on spectacle, but films from other countries are different," says Snipes, who loves Asian kung fu films. "The action is consistent with the mental state and will of the characters. That's why the audience can empathize with the characters." This philosophy of his was also infused into Blade.

“Blade” (c) Photofest / Getty Images

Blade, who was born half-breed after his mother was bitten by a vampire in the final month of pregnancy, cursed his birth and harbors intense anger towards vampires. This emotion is clearly conveyed from the very beginning, when Blade's battle is depicted as he eliminates vampires one by one who are hanging out in an underground club. In addition to attacking with weapons such as special swords and shuriken, Blade is also a master of hand-to-hand combat, and is simply merciless towards vampires. The protagonist's battles are truly driven by passion.

Though it is a dark drama, the depiction is fast-paced. The film accurately captures Snipes's sharp, physical action performances, instantly inserts his key poses, and depicts them in a pop, comic-like style, which is a unique feature. The cool demeanor of the main character in his black costume, the brutality of the violence as blood splatters every time he is pierced by a weapon, and the playful humor of his fist pump after defeating an enemy... This film is packed with a high concentration of various elements that should be present in an action movie about a dark hero.


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  4. “Blade” The great success of the Marvel movie started from here!