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  3. Reality Bites
  4. “Reality Bites” depicts a bitter reality in a bright and pop way, embodying Generation X
“Reality Bites” depicts a bitter reality in a bright and pop way, embodying Generation X

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

“Reality Bites” depicts a bitter reality in a bright and pop way, embodying Generation X


The studio gave the go-ahead with ideal casting.

``Reality Bites'' is a story about four young people living in one apartment. Relayna The Graduate from college and gets a job at a television station, and Troy (Ethan Hawke) continues to play in a band that he doesn't think will sell. Stiller believed that a love triangle episode would be effective in a drama centered on the relationships between the main characters, and even though he was not originally scheduled to appear in the drama, he proposed the role of MTV's programming director and entered the industry. I offered to play the role because I knew more about it. As a result, Troy's friend Sammy, a gay man who faces the issue of coming out to his parents, and Leleina's friend Vicki, who works at GAP and has a lot of experience with men, have a somewhat limited role. By the way, when the movie was released in 1994, GAP was a rapidly growing brand in America (the first store opened in Japan in 1995). The brand's characteristics of cost performance and functionality are exactly the same as those of Generation X.

While preparations for production were progressing steadily, major Hollywood studios were showing disapproval. After all, director Cameron Crowe's ` `Singles '' (1992), which depicts Generation X, did very well. However, after Winona Ryder read the script and accepted the role of Relayna, Universal decided to finance the production. During this period, Winona's career was at its peak, appearing in films by such great artists as Tim Burton, Francis Ford Coppola, Jim Jarmusch, and Martin Scorsese.

"Reality Bites" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

Ethan Hawke, who Winona wanted to play her partner, also readily accepted the role of Troy. Although Ethan attracted attention with `` Dead Poets Society '' (1989), he has not been blessed with any popular works since then. The role of Vicki is played by Janine Garafalo, who previously worked with director Stiller on ``The Ben Stiller Show.'' The studio wanted Gwyneth Paltrow for the role, but Winona favored Janine. Steve Zahn, who Ethan had introduced to him through the opportunity of co-starring on stage, was chosen to play Sammy.

In terms of cast, Renée Zellweger, who has yet to become a household name, appears in a fleeting scene as Troy's one-night stand. David Spade, of " Saturday Night Live " fame, makes a cameo appearance as the manager of a hot dog shop. Amy Stiller, Ben Stiller's sister, plays the mysterious psychic psychoanalyst whom Relayna calls.


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  2. movie
  3. Reality Bites
  4. “Reality Bites” depicts a bitter reality in a bright and pop way, embodying Generation X