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  4. “Oasis” A love story that crosses borders
“Oasis” A love story that crosses borders

(C) 2002 Cineclick Asia All Rights Reserved.

“Oasis” A love story that crosses borders


A sense of reality as if you were standing there.

The movie begins with John Doe getting off a bus after being released from prison. Even though it's the middle of winter, he's wearing a short-sleeved shirt. The way he walks around with a hunched back while repeatedly sniffling and shaking his shoulders makes me think he's nothing more than a thug. Is it just me?). He was clearly acting like a suspicious person, spitting on the roof of his apartment, gobbling up tofu in front of a store, and begging high school girls for coins. Naturally, people don't come around him. In just a few minutes, Lee Chang-dong makes it clear that he is alienated from society.

Seol Kyung-gu's outstanding acting ability makes it hard to believe that there is a person called Jung-doo standing there. No, I should call it possessive power. He sticks out his tongue like a reptile, is always laughing, and is extorting money as if he's not there. I watched this movie one after the other with `` Peppermint Candy '' (1999), but I never noticed that the main characters Kim Young-ho and Jung-du were played by the same actor. I was astonished from the bottom of my heart, wondering how an actor can have so many different personalities within the same body.

“Oasis 4K Restoration” (C) 2002 Cineclick Asia All Rights Reserved.

Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, Cate Blanchett. Sol Kyung-gu is also a ``chameleon actor'' who should be called the same as them. Of course, the same goes for Moon So-ri who plays Gong-joo. She made her debut as an actor in the role of Yoon Sunim in `` Peppermint Candy '' (I didn't realize that she was also the same character as Gong Joo). I thoroughly learned what acting is under the guidance of great directors.

“I have worked with some big-name directors, but if I had to name a director who really influenced me, it would be Lee Chang- dong . He is the director who started my film career. I learned a lot from him, like a child learning how to walk and eat.'' (*2)

She studied education at university and had experience working with young people with disabilities. There is no doubt that this was a great asset when playing the difficult role of a cerebral palsy patient in ``Oasis''. This is her second debut, and she plays a role that is extremely demanding both mentally and physically, with all her heart and soul. Lee Chang-dong also does not hide his admiration for her.

"I think the role she played in ' Oasis' was a very difficult role to express. It was a very physically demanding role for her, so there was always a masseuse on set to help her move her body. (Omitted) Just watching Moon So-ri play this role was a pretty serious and gloomy situation. Of course I tried to lighten the mood, but I didn't want to shoot something that gloomy. I couldn't casually laugh and joke with the actors while I was there.'' (*3)


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  4. “Oasis” A love story that crosses borders