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  4. “Oasis” A love story that crosses borders
“Oasis” A love story that crosses borders

(C) 2002 Cineclick Asia All Rights Reserved.

“Oasis” A love story that crosses borders


The Birds courtship behavior

In Kongju's room, there is an Oasis tapestry woven with figures of elephants, dancers, and boys. A place to quench the thirst of travelers wandering in the desert. A place that provides peace of mind in Kongju, which is isolated from society. A place you wish you could reach someday, but feel like you'll never be able to reach it. That's why she uses a hand mirror in a corner of the room to create an imaginary space where white The Birds fly around. The reason why Kong-joo said, ``I'm scared of the shadows of trees'' is probably because the ``real space'' has invaded, covering up that Oasis, the ``imaginary space.''

Her brother and his wife left her alone and moved to a public apartment complex for families with disabilities. No one ever visits this old apartment room. Kongju draws a line between reality and stands in a world of fantasy. However, an intruder named John Doe appears and easily breaks through the border. ``Actually, I'm interested in you and want to go out with you,'' he said.

He does not create boundaries between himself and others. Despite (probably) knowing that this is why he is shunned and avoided. His own brother even told him, ``Such a person should be isolated.'' Still, John Doe sneaks into other people's personal spaces with his bare feet. It also penetrates Gonju's personal space. It was probably her first experience.

“Suri Sri Maha Sri Su Sri Sabaha…”. When Gong-joo tries to erase the shadow of the tree that scared her, the moment Jung-do mutters a strange spell, the boundaries in her heart suddenly disappear. The little elephant, dancer, and boy depicted on the tapestry fly into Gong-joo's room and celebrate their love. Two people in love join hands and fly out into the outside world. The ``imaginary space'' that was set up in only one room of the apartment is expanded with John Doe's guidance and intersects with the ``real space.'' Two people who have lived on the fringes of society still firmly confront society. The fantasy that is occasionally inserted shines brightly because of the perspective that looks at the harsh reality.

“Oasis 4K Restoration” (C) 2002 Cineclick Asia All Rights Reserved.

There are some impressive scenes. He takes Gong-joo to Jung-do's mother's birthday party. At that moment, for some reason, he starts talking about The Birds without any context.

``A long time ago, there was a ``The Birds'' in the mountain behind our house, right? I thought it was The Birds sparrow, but my father said it was a ``suzu bird.'' According to my father, the reason a ``The Birds'' is called a ``The Birds'' is because it has a bell around its neck. Because”

Male The Birds are known for courting females with deafeningly loud cries. It's extremely annoying to those around me, but I don't care about that. Males convey their honest feelings loud and clear. It can be said that it is a direct reflection of John Doe and Gong Joo and the environment surrounding them. Perhaps the white The Birds that was flying around Kong-joo's room at the beginning of the movie was The Birds. If that's the case, John Doo was probably Gong Joo's soul mate from the beginning.

``Oasis'' is a love story that crosses boundaries. It's nothing special. We are simply overwhelmed by the universality of the love these two people create, rather than its particularity.


(*2), (*3)https://asianmoviepulse.com/2019/04/interview-with-moon-so-ri-lee-chang-dong-was-hard-almost-sadistic-at-times-but-he-taught-me-to- take-the-plunge/

Text: Rui Takeshima

A pop culture writer who wants to be kicked by Hit Girl. Host of the web magazine "POP MASTER".

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"Oasis 4K Restoration"

"Lee Chang-dong Retrospective 4K"

Released nationwide on August 25th (Friday) at Human Trust Cinema Yurakucho and other locations *2K screening at some theaters

Distribution: JAIHO

(C) 2002 Cineclick Asia All Rights Reserved.


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  4. “Oasis” A love story that crosses borders