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  3. gran turismo
  4. ``Gran Turismo'' Neill Blomkamp depicts a catharsis that breaks the industry's common sense
``Gran Turismo'' Neill Blomkamp depicts a catharsis that breaks the industry's common sense

``Gran Turismo'' Neill Blomkamp depicts a catharsis that breaks the industry's common sense


Catharsis that breaks industry common sense

Gamers who have practiced driving thousands or tens of thousands of times in The Game that reproduce the behavior of circuits and racing cars from around the world in detail may be able to beat professional racers... There may have been more than one person who came up with this bold idea. But it would be crazy and foolhardy to go as far as Orlando Bloom's character in this film to actually make that happen.

After all, in real races, it is said that the temperature inside the car can rise to about 60 degrees Celsius, and that the force of gravity that is twice as strong on the astronauts during takeoff of the Space Shuttle is said to occur in the corners. In other words, in car racing, one's ability as an athlete is also tested. It's no wonder that many people think that there's no way gamers can withstand such harsh competition. It is also understandable that many new drivers, who have been in an environment where there is no risk of crashes, feel anxious.

"Gran Turismo"

What makes Yang's story so entertaining is the catharsis of a neglected gamer defying most expectations and making his way into the professional world. The people who guide Yang, played by Orlando Bloom and David Harbour, also seek revenge by breaking with industry norms.

The director of this film is Neill Blomkamp, ​​who directed `` District 9 '' (2009) and `` Elysium '' (13). This may come as a surprise since he has a strong impression of science fiction works, but he says that he has always had a fascination with motorsports. If you think about it, you could say that car racing, where tuning up a machine's mechanisms and parts is important, is Blomkamp's ideal world.

Director Blomkamp takes on the challenge of filming using a new approach on a real circuit. Two types of drone cameras are used to achieve camera work that is impossible with human movement and conventional technology. One is a cinematic drone that can capture a wide area, and the other is a drone equipped with a first-person view camera that allows the photographer to take pictures from the perspective of the drone, which is also used for drone racing. By using these elements properly, the race scenes in this film are able to express both a sense of scale and speed.


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  2. movie
  3. gran turismo
  4. ``Gran Turismo'' Neill Blomkamp depicts a catharsis that breaks the industry's common sense