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  4. "Capricorn One" How to develop an original idea into a movie?
"Capricorn One" How to develop an original idea into a movie?

(C) Capricorn One Associates 1978

"Capricorn One" How to develop an original idea into a movie?


“Capricorn One” synopsis

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in Houston is about to launch the first manned Mars spacecraft in human history. The three astronauts boarded Capricorn One and the countdown began. But five minutes before launch, the three were taken from the ship and taken to an old base in the middle of the desert. There, the three are told by the person in charge of the project that manned flight is no longer possible due to a malfunction in the life support system, and since they cannot cancel the plan due to political reasons, they are ordered to fabricate the fact that they went to Mars. It will be done. The three of them refused, but with their families' safety taken hostage, they had no choice but to accept, and the big play of fabrications begins...


Turning a clever idea into a movie

When someone asks me, ``What's the story about that movie?'' and I explain, the other person may suddenly lean in toward me. For example, ``A junior high school science teacher who is bored with everyday life steals plutonium from a nuclear power plant, builds a homemade atomic bomb, and blackmails the Japanese government.But since he has no ideology, he insists on broadcasting professional baseball in its entirety.'' He's the kind of person who gets angry when you talk about `` The Man Who Stole the Sun '' (79) and says, ``I just ask them to call the Stones.'' Similarly, ``A story about an astronaut going to Mars who is taken away just before launch and uses a set that recreates Mars to fake images and deceive the world.' ' When I tell them how it all started, I sometimes get an excited response. You can probably sense the interest in the original ideas even before you watch it.

On the other hand, there are tons of works that have excellent settings, but when they are turned into movies, the ideas fall flat and the fun is not fully utilized. In that sense, ``Capricorn One'' is a masterpiece that was well thought out in how it developed its core idea.

The fundamental fun of a movie is the chase. Vehicles have been used to depict chases and chases since the days of silent movies. A person who was walking starts running, then eventually gets on a horse, then transfers to a motorcycle or a car, and then, not satisfied with just running on the ground, chases them while flying through the air.

"Capricorn One" (C) Capricorn One Associates 1978

But eventually that becomes boring. The 007 series has featured all sorts of vehicles since its inception, but in ` `007 Moonraker '' (1979), James Bond finally ventures into space. However, even though it was made in the era of space operas, when a shootout takes place in space, it can't escape being criticized as absurd. It would be great to have a movie that is realistic, full of suspense and action, while also looking into space. That is "Capricorn One".


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  4. "Capricorn One" How to develop an original idea into a movie?