2. movie
  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  4. ``2001: A Space Odyssey'' Kubrick's thoroughly researched work and the specialists gathered
``2001: A Space Odyssey'' Kubrick's thoroughly researched work and the specialists gathered

(c)1968 Turner Entertainment Co. All rights reserved.

``2001: A Space Odyssey'' Kubrick's thoroughly researched work and the specialists gathered


Reviews after the release of “2001: A Space Odyssey” and Trumbull’s reputation

``2001: A Space Odyssey'' did not receive very positive reviews upon its release. This is probably because many of the audience members were confused by the difficult theme. However, as the film was shown again and again, its reputation increased, and Trumbull also became famous. He contributed a making-of article for ``2001: A Space Odyssey'' to the film industry magazine ``American Cinematographer'' (JUNE 1968), and the public received it as if he had been the main director of the special effects. Put it away.

“2001: A Space Odyssey” (c)1968 Turner Entertainment Co. All rights reserved.

However, Trumbull later achieved success as a special effects supervisor for Close Encounters of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and Blade Runner (1982), and was the director of Silent Running (1972) and Brainstorm (1983). He also played an active role. Furthermore, they have created many new video systems such as Showscan (*9) and Simulation Ride. So there's no doubt that he had talent. However, we must not forget that the special effects of ``2001: A Space Odyssey'' reached the level it did because of the efforts of many of our predecessors.

*9: Showscan is a system that shoots and displays 70mm 5-perforation film at 60 frames per second, 2.5 times the normal rate.

Text: Takayuki Oguchi

In 1982, he became the director of Japan's first CG production, JCGL. After working as the head designer for the IMAX Dome 3D video "Universe 2 ~Sound of the Sun~" at the Fujitsu Pavilion at EXPO'90, he became a freelance video creator. Won an Emmy Award for the NHK special ``Life: A 4 Billion Year Distant Journey'' (1994). His most recent work is the supervision of NHK E-Tele's ``Kongura CG Classroom'' (18). He is also a video journalist specializing in VFX, CG, 3D movies, art animation, exhibition videos, etc., and has contributed numerous articles to film magazines, theater pamphlets, the web, etc. In addition to being a visiting professor at Digital Hollywood University, he is also a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Animation, Nihon Gei Film Department, and Japan Electronics College.

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[Limited first production] 2001: A Space Odyssey Japanese dubbed audio additional recording version

<4K ULTRA HD & HD Digital Remaster Blu-ray>

(3-disc set/booklet & art card included)

¥6,990 + tax Released on November 21st

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(c)1968 Turner Entertainment Co. All rights reserved.


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  2. movie
  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  4. ``2001: A Space Odyssey'' Kubrick's thoroughly researched work and the specialists gathered