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  3. The Godfather
  4. What are the coincidences that piled up on the way to the masterpiece of ``The Godfather''?
What are the coincidences that piled up on the way to the masterpiece of ``The Godfather''?

Copyright (C) 1974 by Paramount Pictures and The Coppola Company. All Rights Reserved. Restoration Copyright (C) 2007 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2014 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved .

What are the coincidences that piled up on the way to the masterpiece of ``The Godfather''?


Don't underestimate the achievements of the original author Pudu!

However, Puzuo certainly wrote masterpieces as a novelist. If you put aside the gossip chapter that exposes the corrupt underbelly of Hollywood and the pornographic chapter about women with oversized genitalia (both of which are completely removed from the movie), The Godfather movie is surprisingly faithful to the original.

For example, the movie ``The Godfather'' surprised the public by depicting the wedding of Don Corleone's daughter Connie over the course of the first 27 minutes. A lavish and cheerful party is being held in the garden of the mansion, and inside the mansion, a conspiracy between Don Corleone and his followers is underway. At the same time, the characters and relationships of the main characters, including Don's son Sonny, Fredo, and Michael, are revealed through the party.

"The Godfather" Copyright (C) 1974 by Paramount Pictures and The Coppola Company. All Rights Reserved. Restoration Copyright (C) 2007 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2014 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

There is a theory that this structure was influenced by director Akira Kurosawa's `` The Bad Guys Sleep Better.'' They have something in common in that they use a grand wedding to introduce the world and characters, and Coppola is also an avid Kurosawa fan. It would be unfair to say that there is no impact. However, in the first place, Puzuo's original story has a wedding scene in the beginning, which serves as an introduction to the Corleone family.

Puzuo was asked to write the screenplay for the film before Coppola took over as director, so it is no surprise that most of the screenplay is faithful to the original work. However, the core of the movie was the idea of ​​having a long wedding scene at the beginning, the climax at the end that is said to be very cinematic, and the flow of a series of montages of revenge and purges by Michael, who inherited the family. I would like to point out once again that many of the elements in this work are based on the original work. The unconventional structure of The Godfather and the climax full of cinematic dynamism are by no means solely the credit of Coppola. It just so happened that Pudu had written a novel that, while unconventional, had a structure suitable for film. In that respect, the screenplay for the film version is more like an excerpt than an adaptation.

I'm not trying to say that director/co-writer Coppola is overrated in this article. In fact, ``The Godfather'' is a treasure trove of great scenes that prove just how great a director Coppola is. However, when talking about the overall structure of the film, the story, and the many famous lines, one should not underestimate the achievements of the original author, Pudu.


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  2. movie
  3. The Godfather
  4. What are the coincidences that piled up on the way to the masterpiece of ``The Godfather''?