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  3. Under the Silver Lake
  4. "Under the Silver Lake" movie industry's "4th David" candidate! ? A conspiratorial LA drawn by a genius director with a unique flair
"Under the Silver Lake" movie industry's "4th David" candidate! ? A conspiratorial LA drawn by a genius director with a unique flair

© 2017 Under the LL Sea, LLC

"Under the Silver Lake" movie industry's "4th David" candidate! ? A conspiratorial LA drawn by a genius director with a unique flair


"Under the Silver Lake" synopsis

Sam moved to Silver Lake in LA with dreams of becoming a big shot, but before he knew it he had no job and was behind on his rent. One day, he falls in love at first sight with a beautiful woman, Sarah, who moved across the street from him and manages to arrange a date, but she suddenly disappears. Sam visits the empty room, sees strange symbols written on the wall, and smells a conspiracy. At that time, millionaires and movie producers continue to disappear or die under mysterious circumstances, a dog killer appears in the middle of the night, and there are rumors of a mysterious underground organization controlling the town. Sam, who loves codes, subliminal Arrival, urban legends, and conspiracy theories, uses all his invincible otaku knowledge to delve into the darkness that lurks beneath Silver Lake...


David Robert Mitchell is particular about “gentle migration”

Speaking of ``a director loved by Cannes,'' Naomi Kawase comes to mind in Japan, and Hirokazu Kore-eda, whose Palme d'Or win for this year's `` Shoplifters '' is fresh in our minds, but David Robert, who is from Detroit, Detroit, in the United States, comes to mind.・Mitchell could also be added to that list. His directorial debut, ` `American Sleepover '' (2010), and his second film, `` It Follows '' (14), both premiered at the Cannes Film Festival's International Critics Week. In 2016, he was appointed as a judge for the International Critics Week, and his third work, ``Under the Silver Lake,'' was submitted to this year's competition section.

Mitchell was born in 1974. He began writing screenplays in middle school and studied film at Florida State University and Wayne State University in Michigan before moving to Los Angeles. Although he entered the film industry, he spent about 10 years working behind the scenes in marketing, commercials, and trailer production, and finally made his debut in his mid-30s. 33-year-old Sam, played by Under the Silver Lake," also works in the film industry, but is in such dire straits that his landlord has to evict him for not paying rent. It's not hard to imagine that Mitchell's experiences and thoughts from his junior years were reflected in the character of Sam.

"Under the Silver Lake" © 2017 Under the LL Sea, LLC

``American Sleepover'' is a coming-of-age story that is a series of episodes that teenage boys and girls experience on the night of a sleepover. ``It Follows'' is a youth horror film in which a curse is transferred through sexual intercourse, and a person is chased by an ``it'' that cannot be seen by others. ``Under the Silver Lake noir suspense film in which a person becomes involved in a conspiracy as he pursues the whereabouts of a beautiful local woman who has disappeared. Although the genres of the three films, for which Mitchell also wrote the screenplay, are strikingly different, one common feature is that the characters, including the protagonist, move slowly through a fixed area centered on their residence, so to speak. It's a feeling that could be called "gentle migration." However, in addition to walking and cycling, there are also car trips and life-threatening escapes, but strangely it doesn't feel fast. This is largely due to the camera work and editing tempo, but it also seems to reflect Mitchell's own way of life and philosophy of life. Mitchell's attitude of working slowly and without haste, including the production pace of one film every four years, may have an influence on the world of his works.


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  2. movie
  3. Under the Silver Lake
  4. "Under the Silver Lake" movie industry's "4th David" candidate! ? A conspiratorial LA drawn by a genius director with a unique flair