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  3. Natural Born Killers
  4. Revealing the crazy inside story of the controversial ``Natural Born Killers''!
Revealing the crazy inside story of the controversial ``Natural Born Killers''!

© 1994 Warner Bros., Monarchy Enterprises BV and Regency Entertainment (USA) inc. All rights reserved.

Revealing the crazy inside story of the controversial ``Natural Born Killers''!


Stone VS Reservoir Dogs

But Tarantino was even more angry than Penn. His script had the feel of a somewhat cynical genre film, but Stone rewrote it to emphasize the social aspects of media criticism. With the success of Reservoir Dogs , Tarantino was now in a position to have some say, and he asked for the script back, but it was too late. NBK, which Tarantino had intended to make on a low budget, had now become a Big budget film and was out of his reach.

Tarantino wasn't the only member of the Reservoir Dogs crew to be disappointed. Michael Madsen, who played Mr. Blonde in the same movie, is one of them. Stone originally envisioned Madsen, who had appeared in a bit role in Stone's `` The Doors '' (1991), as the lead actor, but the studio was reluctant to cast an actor who wasn't that well-known as the lead, and the project was canceled. I tried to run it. Stone, who really wanted to make this movie, accepts the studio's demands in order to keep the project. No matter how you look at it, the studio's proposals for Kevin Costner and Mel Gibson are impossible. The compromise was Woody Harrelson, who was on sale at the time. He is able to express his ferocity, and as a result, he becomes a presence that supports the impact of this work.

"Natural Born Killers" © 1994 Warner Bros., Monarchy Enterprises BV and Regency Entertainment (USA) inc. All rights reserved.

In fact, there is one Reservoir Dog who survived from the cast of this film. Stephen Wright plays a doctor who is interviewed by a TV reporter. In Reservoir Dogs, he played the voice of radio DJ K-Billy.


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  4. Revealing the crazy inside story of the controversial ``Natural Born Killers''!