2. movie
  3. Reservoir Dogs
  4. “Reservoir Dogs” The spirit of yakuza movies that pervades Tarantino *Note! It touches on the ending of the movie.
“Reservoir Dogs” The spirit of yakuza movies that pervades Tarantino *Note! It touches on the ending of the movie.

© Photofest / Getty Images

“Reservoir Dogs” The spirit of yakuza movies that pervades Tarantino *Note! It touches on the ending of the movie.


“Reservoir Dogs” synopsis

Six robbers who attacked a jewelry store. However, the attack fails and they are chased by the police. As some of them die while being chased, the surviving robbers begin to suspect that there is a traitor among them who has leaked information to the police.


A quarter century has passed since its birth. A charm that never gets old even now

A quarter of a century has passed since Quentin Tarantino's one-shot work shook the film world. To be precise, it was shown in film festivals such as Sundance and Cannes, and was given a limited release in the United States in 1992. The film's arrival in Japan with great excitement was postponed until the following year, and before its theatrical release at the end of April 1993, an official screening was held at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival in February. Of course, with Tarantino coming to Japan.

When it comes to ``Reservoir Dogs,'' it hasn't gotten old at all, and the more I watch it, the more interesting the script and acting become, and I can't help but love this movie even more. One of the major reasons for its success is its ability to eliminate waste and develop the plot in a tight, well-paced manner. For example, if you watch the work while keeping track of the time, the first scene in the diner unfolds for about 10 minutes, and even after the scene moves to a closed room called the "warehouse", the next scene continues to flow in about every 10 minutes. come. Tarantino must have carefully constructed this in order to keep the audience from getting bored.

"Reservoir Dogs" © Photofest / Getty Images 

The production team was running out of money and time. The cast didn't have time to really get into their roles, filming on set "like a table tennis rally" (according to Chris Penn). It seems like this stoic accumulation created an exquisite rhythm, and a synergistic effect towards the end. However, despite this momentum, there is actually a big mistake in the final scene of this movie, did you notice that?


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  2. movie
  3. Reservoir Dogs
  4. “Reservoir Dogs” The spirit of yakuza movies that pervades Tarantino *Note! It touches on the ending of the movie.