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  3. The Godfather Part II
  4. What real incidents and people did Coppola incorporate into the script for “The Godfather Part II”?
What real incidents and people did Coppola incorporate into the script for “The Godfather Part II”?

Copyright (C) 1974 by Paramount Pictures and The Coppola Company. All Rights Reserved. Restoration Copyright (C) 2007 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2014 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved .

What real incidents and people did Coppola incorporate into the script for “The Godfather Part II”?


“The Godfather PART II” synopsis

The Corleone family had moved their headquarters from New York to the shores of Lake Tahoe near Las Vegas. Michael escapes an attack from the Rosato brothers, Hyman Roth's henchmen who were targeting his territory, and thinks of his father, Vito, who lived in a great era. After his mother was killed, his father, Vito, came to America as a refugee and started a family... After a meeting of the family's bosses in Miami, Michael goes to Cuba and plots to obtain concessions, but he discovers his brother Fredo's betrayal. Eventually, Michael is summoned to a hearing by the Criminal Investigation Commission, and the traitorous Pentangeli subverts his testimony to evade pursuit, but his wife Kay leaves Michael...


“Michael’s future” that Coppola devised from scratch

In Francis Coppola's ``The Godfather'' trilogy, whenever the title appears, the proviso ``MARIO PUZO'S'' appears as a set. Mario Puzuo is, of course, the original author of The Godfather, and he also co-wrote the scripts with Coppola for all of the trilogy. This credit probably shows the respect that the trilogy would not have had without Pudu.

However, in ``The Godfather Part II,'' Coppola departs significantly from Pudu's original work and actively incorporates real-life incidents. Part II is probably the work in the trilogy where the story and reality are most closely linked.

In making PART II, ​​Coppola had the idea of ​​simultaneously running episodes from Vito Corleone's youth, which were in the original but omitted from the previous film, and a part in the 1950s that depicts what happened to his son Michael, who inherited the mafia family. come up with. However, Puzuo had not written a sequel to the novel, so he had to think of Michael's part from scratch.

“The Godfather Part II” Copyright (C) 1974 by Paramount Pictures and The Coppola Company. All Rights Reserved. Restoration Copyright (C) 2007 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TM, (R) & Copyright (C) 2014 by Paramount Pictures . All Rights Reserved.

As a side note, the 1987 film `` The Sicilian '', directed by Michael Cimino, is a biographical film about Salvatore Giuliano, a famous Sicilian bandit in the 1940s, and is based on a novel by Mario Puzuo. This novel is actually written as a sister edition to ``The Godfather.'' Michael Corleone, who was in hiding in Sicily, appears as a supporting character who has a relationship with Giuliano (although in the movie version, Michael's presence in the original story is completely cut out).

According to Coppola, he came up with Michael's part in Part II almost by himself. This time, there was no original work to rely on, so I incorporated actual incidents and real people at key points. The climax of the middle part is set on New Year's Eve in 1958, the most dramatic day of the Cuban Revolution, and in the second half, Michael is summoned to the Inquisition, where he meets Joseph Barraki, a member of the Mafia in 1963. The story is based on a Senate committee that broke the "code of silence (omerta)" and revealed the inner workings of the organization. Although it is not Michael's part, the appearance of the boy (Vito's older brother) who is killed at the beginning of the film is based on a photo of a boy who was actually murdered by the mafia in Sicily, and it seems that he has accurately recreated his pose at the time of his death.


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  3. The Godfather Part II
  4. What real incidents and people did Coppola incorporate into the script for “The Godfather Part II”?