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  3. Titanic
  4. An unprecedented challenge that created the spectacle of Titanic, one of the most moving movies of the 20th century.
An unprecedented challenge that created the spectacle of Titanic, one of the most moving movies of the 20th century.

(C)2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

An unprecedented challenge that created the spectacle of Titanic, one of the most moving movies of the 20th century.


The largest set in movie history

How to film the Titanic's voyage, sinking, and the lives of the passengers and crew in order to recreate it as realistically as possible. Jon Landau, an independent producer from Fox, was also involved, and various ideas were considered. Although he also utilized models and computer graphics, Cameron wanted a sense of The Truth that would make him feel like he was traveling back in time to 1912 and seeing the famous luxury liner up close from the port or being on the deck. .

Cameron and his team's conclusion was to build a nearly full-scale exterior set of the Titanic near the ocean. The location was decided on the resort town of Rosario on Mexico's Baja Peninsula, considering its proximity to Los Angeles.

   "Titanic" (C)2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

With the shooting direction almost finalized, Cameron began negotiating production costs with Fox. By then, they had offered $80 million, but it was clear that wasn't enough. Cameron returned his $4 million directorial fee and proposed a contract in which he would receive a share of profits based on box office performance after the film's release. At the end of May 1996, Fox officially decided to make Titanic for $110 million. At this point, it was already certain that the budget would exceed that of the previous film, `` True Lies '' (1994), which was the first movie in history to have a production budget of over $100 million.

Two weeks after the contract was signed, construction work began on the 160,000 square meter plot of land in Rosario that Fox had purchased. The world's largest outdoor tank, the world's largest indoor tank, the world's tallest studio, buildings attached to filming, etc. will be completed in 100 days.

The ship replica set was constructed based on Titanic blueprints that had been obtained in advance, and was built exactly to the original height and width, with the exception of shortening the overall length by 27 meters to 236 meters. Due to the local wind direction, the ship was built with its starboard side touching the dock, but Cameron wanted the footage to show the ship's port side touching the dock, as in historical fact. Therefore, a time-consuming method was adopted in which all the letters on buildings, uniforms, etc. in the departure scene were made into mirror letters, and the images were reversed after filming.

"Titanic" (C)2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Furthermore, the 60m-long forward section of the hull was built on a huge hydraulic system called a riser, allowing it to be tilted at a 6-degree angle. The purpose was to film the scene where the ship begins to tilt as the water begins to flood.


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  2. movie
  3. Titanic
  4. An unprecedented challenge that created the spectacle of Titanic, one of the most moving movies of the 20th century.