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  4. ``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!
``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!

(c) 2019 Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!


Longing for the good old days

The setting of ``Rio Bravo'' is similar to `` Duel at Midday .'' Sheriff Being There(John Wayne) arrests a murderer, but his older brother controls an area of ​​the town near the Mexican border, and a large number of people attack the sheriff's office to get him back. It is. The only allies he has are an alcoholic deputy sheriff (Dean Martin), an old jailer (Walter Brennan), and a young helper (Ricky Nelson). Angie Dickinson, known for her beautiful legs, lights up the screen.

Among them, Sheriff's Deputy Dude, who is an alcoholic, is a loser who goes to bars and begs for drinks even though he has no money, and is made fun of by the thugs, and even tries to pick up the coins thrown into the pot. be. However, he used to think he was completely useless, but when the alcohol wears off, he shows his ability and shows off his quick fire skills.

“Rio Bravo” (c) 2019 Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

I watched this film in the theater, and what moved me most was the sound of gunfire. The tension of the battle was instantly broken by a violent bursting sound that echoed at a loud volume that seemed to pierce through your brain. If you listen to this, you can understand why audiences at the time were so enthusiastic about this work and the Western movie.

However, none of the characters, including Wayne's hulking, rifle-wielding Sheriff Being There, exhibit any absurd strength. Being There's battles are all about closing the gap in numbers with the enemy using his brains, strategies, and courage while taking advantage of the situation, and there is no such thing as ``just winning''; there is an understandable logic to it. That's why many of the depictions that lead up to the action also function as part of the action.

The main difference from the serious atmosphere of ``Duel at Midday'' is that there is a lot of humor in the play. Walter Brennan plays a good-natured old man in a humorous way, and Wayne's Being There is knocked down by a rope and falls unconscious.Despite the situation where he is in danger of death, there is a kind of heartwarming mood. flows. This is also an expression of the nostalgia and longing for a more laid-back era, which is common to director John Ford's Western films, and in other words, the spirit of "Great America." And this is certainly the opposite of the modern ``Duel at Midday,'' which intentionally expresses an uncomfortable feeling from beginning to end.


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  4. ``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!