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  3. Rio Bravo
  4. ``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!
``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!

(c) 2019 Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!


Innovation that goes beyond the ideology of “Rio Bravo”

However, Western movies continued to decline after that. Just as `` Duel at Midday '' rejected the genre itself, the ``good old American spirit'' was deemed unsuitable for the times, and audiences' interests shifted to more modern action and American new cinema. Macaroni Westerns also went into decline in the 1970s.

Somewhere in their heads, John Wayne and Howard Hawks must have understood that their sensibilities were becoming outdated. That may be why they were so opposed to ``Duel at Midday,'' and tried to create a Western movie that was just fun and entertaining.

They have the skills and track record cultivated in Hollywood. In this film, Sheriff's Deputy Dude rises from the depths of alcoholism with Being There's encouragement, which seems to be an act of passing on to the next generation what John Wayne and Howard Hawks have inherited and making it bloom again.

“Rio Bravo” preview

For better or worse, the western genre is now obsolete. The new works that are being created now are almost all ``Duel in the Midday'' style, condemning the violence of ``the good old America.'' In the battle between ``Duel at Midday'' and ``Rio Bravo,'' it can be said that in an ideological sense, the former won in the end.

However, the innovativeness of this work lies in its pursuit of entertainment to the extreme. The spirit of ``Rio Bravo'' was passed on to writers who took genre films in new directions, including Quentin Tarantino, who had a violent but liberal style. And for audiences looking for a "taste" of a movie, this work shines even more than ``Midday Duel.''

Text: Kei Onodera

A film critic who wanders around and writes for web media and magazines, aiming to become a movie hermit. We will convey the "deep" content of the movie in an easy-to-understand manner from various angles.

Twitter: @kmovie

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(c) 2019 Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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  4. ``Rio Bravo'' The definitive entertainment Western movie, highly praised by Tarantino!