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  3. District 9
  4. “District 9” was possible because it wasn’t completely CG! ? What is the secret behind the realistic emotional expression of “shrimp-type” aliens?
“District 9” was possible because it wasn’t completely CG! ? What is the secret behind the realistic emotional expression of “shrimp-type” aliens?

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“District 9” was possible because it wasn’t completely CG! ? What is the secret behind the realistic emotional expression of “shrimp-type” aliens?


“District 9” synopsis

A huge spaceship suddenly appeared over Johannesburg, South Africa. What the Earthlings who Contact them saw were weakened Alien. . They have no choice but to accept them as ``refugees,'' but the refugee camp's ``District 9'' has become a slum, and the dissatisfaction of the local residents has reached its limit. . Therefore, a supranational organization called MNU decides to forcibly relocate the Alien to a new refugee camp called "District 10". Vikas of the Alien Countermeasures Division, the chief executive of the project, immediately begins preparations. Afterwards, Vikas is exposed to a mysterious liquid at an Alien's house, which he visits due to a notice of forced relocation, and suffers from an unexplained illness and collapses. When Vikas wakes up, he finds that his hand has transformed into an Alien's hand. Considering the situation seriously, MNU secured Vikas. Despite Vikas' reluctance, he performs various human experiments. Fearing for his life, Vikas escapes from MNU and ironically runs into District 9. .


A realistic visual world created by the fusion of analog elements

The big appeal of ``District 9'' is that while it incorporates VFX and CG images that will make everyone go, ``Ah!'', it still exudes a realistic feel with a somewhat analog feel.

By intentionally using grainy images from handheld cameras, we have added a vivid documentary touch, and by inserting completely different recorded footage that was not shot for this movie, we have created a film that shows what is happening right in front of our eyes. The film creates a tingling sensation, as if the world of images is somehow closely linked to the real world. When confronted with these factors, it becomes impossible to believe that the huge spaceship floating in front of you, or the sight of "shrimp"-like aliens scraping up leftover food in the slums, are all just fiction. It is.

Needless to say, South Africa itself, where the film is set, has a negative history of apartheid, and the realistic atmosphere that comes from that is still hard to shake. The recorded footage shown at the beginning shows real responses from residents who were asked, ``What do you think about the refugees who have flowed into South Africa from (politically unstable) Zimbabwe and Nigeria?'' It also details how fear of losing jobs to refugees and immigrants led to large-scale riots. By purposely showing these as ``the reactions of the local residents to aliens'', this work succeeds in incorporating some kind of ``realism that is not fabricated'' into ``fiction.''


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  2. movie
  3. District 9
  4. “District 9” was possible because it wasn’t completely CG! ? What is the secret behind the realistic emotional expression of “shrimp-type” aliens?