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  3. Never Let Me Go
  4. “Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out
“Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out

(C)2018 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

“Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out


A unique structure in which “excision of empathy” shakes the heart

The story is set in England from 1978 to 1994. Cassie (Carrie Mulligan), Ruth (Keira Knightley), and Tommy(Andrew Garfield) live in a special boarding school where they are forbidden from contact with the outside world, but one day they realize that they are being raised to donate their organs. I know it was. Bound by an inescapable fate, the three of them live a predetermined life, and where will they end up?

The gap between the tranquil atmosphere and the shocking content. ``Never Let Me Go'' sharply appeals to the viewer's sense of morality and ethics, and may turn some people off. It's a sinful science fiction piece that leaves you with a high-quality bitterness after watching it. The youth of young people who learn that their lives are 100% for someone else, and that they will only die after donating their organs. Tommy's line, ``We're like broilers,'' cuts into the hearts of the viewers.

It can be said that the original work was quite problematic, but there are several reasons why the movie version is both beautiful and horrifying. ``Elimination of explanation,'' ``lack of emotion,'' ``absence of others''...there is no sense of an ``external eye'' in this work. Because the entire movie is made entirely of subjectivity, it causes halation among the viewers. This "treatment" leaves a strong impression as a supernatural power unique to this work.

For example, suppose you meet a certain person. That person had a beautiful face and a gentle personality, which made you like him. I felt like I wanted to get even closer to that person. But for some reason, I'm stuck. I can't help but feel like there's something definitely different between me and that person. What is this "disgusting feeling" that won't go away no matter how much I rub it? That's the feeling.

“Never Let Me Go” (C)2018 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

When we face this work, a feeling of ``I don't understand'' arises in our hearts. It's not that the plot is too difficult to understand or that people lack literacy, but simply that they feel fear and pity because they don't understand this person's ``heart''.

Rather than looking at Cathy, Ruth, and Tommy from a bird's-eye view, the story is formed as their "alter egos." Their viewpoints, thoughts, and judgments become the viewpoints, thoughts, and judgments of the work. And these elements do not overlap with the feelings that we, the audience, take for granted. In other words, it is difficult to empathize with the characters in this work. However, this does not necessarily mean that you cannot be moved by it, but rather that it is made in a tricky way, ``the very thing that you cannot empathize with is what moves your heart.''

It is ironic that the ``own story'' for these people, who are not supposed to have their own unique lives, is not the ``story that we can empathize with.'' Rather than being made to cry by the direction of the story, the cruel truth that ``you are different from them'' is shown, and the ``result'' of not being able to empathize with or understand them makes you cry. The tears we shed through ``Never Let Me Go'' have truly complex colors and shapes.

Young people who lived only to "provide". We are not. Their paths are separated from the beginning and will never connect.


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  3. Never Let Me Go
  4. “Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out