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  3. Never Let Me Go
  4. “Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out
“Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out

(C)2018 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

“Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out


The sadness of not knowing how to defy fate

I wrote about the ``lack of emotion'' in the previous chapter, but the filtered expression of emotions is also unique. Professor Lucy, who has been assigned to a boarding school, tells the students, ``Your lives have already been decided for you.You were born to donate organs, and your third or fourth surgery will end your life forever. "I'm going to finish it," he tells me in a voice that sounds like he's trying to squeeze it out.

In a normal movie, the highlight would be to see the expressions on the faces of the boys and girls, but they were staring at Lucy-sensei in silence. There is no dramatic reaction that we would expect. Tommy was the only one to stand up, picked up the print from the floor, returned it to the teacher's desk, and sat back down in his chair. The only one who shows a look of despair is Lucy-sensei.

They raise children with false education, and when they become adults, they remove their organs and release them from government. Moreover, they have almost no intention of hiding the fact that they are "providers." But why are these providers silent and listening? Since there is no doubt in the first place, the will to rebel is not born. Without soil, crops cannot grow.

“Never Let Me Go” (C)2018 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.

As they grow up, they gradually begin to develop emotions and begin to shed tears and have feelings of love, but they do not harbor feelings of anger or hatred, as they had been removed from the beginning. Just accept that our lives are short and enjoy it. Although they may desire a different life, they do not take action to achieve it. I can't draw a vision that defies fate. There is tremendous sadness here. However, these feelings are not depicted in the work, but only swirl in our hearts. We know what it means to "fight". they don't know. I can't even be taught.

From the middle onwards, the word "original" appears and it is hinted that they are clones, but this is very unusual in a work that depicts "created beings", and it is said that "the creator vs. the creator" is used. There will be no fight between those who have lost their lives. They do not try to live by violating taboos, and at most they try to ``apply'' for a grace period for surgery. I may cry about my fate, but I don't think I would sacrifice anyone or anything in order to live.

There are many works in which created beings cause rebellion, such as `` Blade Runner '' (1982), ` `I, Robot '' (2004), and ``War for the Planet of the Apes '' (17). However, this work does not have that. There is no anger like ``Why did they give birth?'' like in ``Children Without Existence '' (18), nor is there a will to defy fate like in `` Gattaca '' (97). Live according to your DNA and fulfill your role. Our cries of "Is that okay!?" will never reach them.


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  2. movie
  3. Never Let Me Go
  4. “Never Let Me Go”: The cruel lives of “fabricated” people that tear your heart out