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  3. Pee-wee Herman's strange world [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.35]
Pee-wee Herman's strange world [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.35]

Pee-wee Herman's strange world [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.35]


peewee's playhouse

However, I first learned about Pee-wee not through the Tim Burton movie, but when I watched the VHS version of Pee-wee's Playhouse, a children's show that began airing in 1986, the year after the movie was released. Ta. Pee-wee lives in a toy-like house that is a scaled-up version of the house that appears in the movie, and his friends come to visit and play with Pee-wee, who lives with talking furniture and puppets. Along the way, there are mini corners with cartoons and clay animations. It is a very intense program that includes many people. I watched it on VHS in the original language, and the intense visual world was so captivating that I could get absorbed in it even if I didn't understand the language, and at the very least, it was a mess that had nothing to do with the culture of Sesame Street. I understood this very well even as a child.

Everything in the playhouse is made up of characters, including chairs, window frames, globes, TVs, and parts of the floor, as well as fish in the aquarium, ants, pterosaurs, and a small dinosaur family and creatures that live in burrows in the walls. It's fun, but one of the most interesting is Conky the robot. The head is a combination of a typewriter and a toaster, with strobe eyes protruding from the head, a radio cassette player on the chest, and a turntable on the torso, all of which are made from a combination of various home appliances, and are sure to capture the hearts of children who love crafts. There wasn't. Robots made from everyday objects made me feel like I could actually make one, even though that's not the case, and I think that's what made it so approachable. The "secret word" is written on the card that this Conkey outputs every time. When someone says that in that episode, everyone in the playhouse makes a fuss. It's okay to just make noise and not do anything else. Although it is said to be a secret word, the words written in it are words that appear frequently in everyday conversation, such as "Okay," "There," and "Look," so naturally you will end up saying them over and over again.

Toys that are overly-made and sweets that are brightly colored and contain a lot of sugar. Pee-wee's childlike character really stands out in this playhouse that seems to condense the world of American children. Although he is cheerful, bright and popular, he is also moody, selfish, greedy and easily bored. She is sensitive and easily hurt, and has quite a few episodes of depression, but she can also be mean at times. It's childish, or rather, just like a child. When I grew up, I wanted to live in a house like that, or at least in a room like that, and the reason why I like colorful things like decorating my room with toys may all be due to the influence of this playhouse. Someday I would like to have a chair with eyes and a mouth on it.


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. Pee-wee Herman's strange world [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.35]