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  3. Let's enjoy the "aggressive" work starring Tori Matsuzaka. 10 recommended movies!
Let's enjoy the "aggressive" work starring Tori Matsuzaka. 10 recommended movies!

(C) 2019 “The Journalist” Film Partners

Let's enjoy the "aggressive" work starring Tori Matsuzaka. 10 recommended movies!


Tori Matsuzaka, 31 years old. Whenever he moves, there is always a sense of pure fun.

``The Journalist'' (2019), which became the eye of the typhoon in Japanese movies, ``Nen of Prostitution'' (2018), a shocking work depicting sex and redemption, and ``The Blood of the Wolf'' (18), which excited the archipelago. Who else could imitate this aggressive selection of works? It is said that ``actors must be very curious,'' but his ``sense of smell that jumps to interesting things'' is outstanding. In other words, his charm as a concierge is added to his charm as an actor. For movie fans, this is a must-see.

Matsuzaka does not hide his ``attachment to the things he likes,'' including not only movies and dramas but also hobbies such as ``Yu-Gi-Oh!'' and ``Final Fantasy.'' He himself says that he values ​​``fun,'' and this way of life is probably connected to his creed as an actor to ``bring multifacetedness to characters.'' Matsuzaka never plays a character in a conventional manner. No matter what role you give him, he will definitely return it in three dimensions.

It has been 11 years since his debut work as an actor in 2009, “Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.” Although there was a time when he struggled with his own way of being, the person we see now of Matsuzaka is truly light-hearted and comfortable. I naturally feel confident that it will take me to some interesting places.

Tori Matsuzaka is an actor who makes you feel excited just by watching him. This time, we will carefully select and introduce 10 books that decorate his "miracle".


Recommended movies starring Tori Matsuzaka (2011~2012)

Recommended movies starring Tori Matsuzaka (2015~2017)

Recommended movies starring Tori Matsuzaka (2018)

Recommended movies starring Tori Matsuzaka (2019)

Recommended movies starring Tori Matsuzaka (2011~2012)

1. “We cannot change the world. ” (11) Director: Kenta Fukasaku 126 minutes

A youth drama based on a true story about four university students working hard to build an elementary school in Cambodia. This is Matsuzaka's first film role other than Sentai, and it is a memorable work as he has also experienced filming overseas.

A heartwarming story about college students who spend their boring days setting the goal of ``raising 1.5 million yen to build an elementary school in Cambodia,'' and pushing forward despite facing the harsh realities of the country. In addition to Matsuzaka, current popular actors such as Osamu Mukai, Tasuku Emoto, and Masataka Kubota play the main characters.

In this work, Matsuzaka plays the role of someone who looks like a "gal guy" but has a passionate heart. He has excellent communication skills and is active in raising funds and recruiting supporters, proving himself to be a dependable man. Furthermore, this work places emphasis on documentary-style production, and it is said that there were often no lines prepared for scenes such as scenes in which the characters visited local locations. It's not hard to imagine that this helped develop Matsuzaka's expressive abilities.

After this work, he appeared as a bully with darkness in his heart in director Takahisa Zeze's ``Antokinoi Nochi'' (12), and in ``Kirin no Tsubasa: Newcomers'' (12), the first movie version of the popular drama. He continues to take on serious roles, such as a high school student who loses his father. At this point, he is showing off his high acting skills.

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2. “Tunagu” (12) Director: Yuichiro Hirakawa 129 minutes

An important early work in Matsuzaka's career. He teamed up with famous actress Kirin Kiki as a "buddy" and landed a major starring role.

A human fantasy about Tsunagu, a "mediator" who brings the living and the dead together for one night. The story depicts a high school student (Matsuzaka) who takes over the role of Tsunagu from his grandmother (Kiki), and how he grows up as he comes into contact with the "feelings" of various people. He took on the role of a shadowy character who lives an ordinary high school life but is haunted by the past of his parents who died mysteriously.

Additionally, in 2011 and 2012, Matsuzaka won numerous Newcomer Awards at the Japan Academy Awards, Kinema Junpo Best Ten, and Nikkan Sports Film Awards. The name ``Tori Matsuzaka'' gradually became known. Then, she made a big leap forward with the NHK TV drama series ``Ume-chan Sensei'' (12).

From 2012 to 2013, he continued to star in movies such as ``Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu'' (12) and ``Gatchaman'' (13).

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  3. Let's enjoy the "aggressive" work starring Tori Matsuzaka. 10 recommended movies!