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  3. “Mars Attack! ' Serious evil fusake [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.52]
“Mars Attack! ' Serious evil fusake [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.52]

“Mars Attack! ' Serious evil fusake [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.52]



Martian who jumped out of a trading card

Among director Tim Burton's filmography, which always reflects his own tastes, Mars Attacks! ”. The invasion of Earth by Martians begins without any particular preamble, and as the grotesque and irrational Martians go on a rampage, people from the US president and other government centers to the military, scientists, celebrities, and ordinary citizens... This is a thrilling science fiction work that depicts being at the mercy of others. Although the content is absurd, this is a work that seriously summarizes the things I love, such as the strong visuals of the Martian that you will never forget once you see it, and the love for pulp science fiction and special effects movies that overflow throughout. I remember being fascinated by it when I first saw it when I was in elementary school. Anyway, it's an interesting and fun movie to watch.

It draws you in from the opening. A large number of disc-shaped spacecraft take off from the instantly recognizable red land of Mars, form a beautiful formation, and invade Earth. The fleet of saucers flying in the background is cool, with an intimidating main theme that sounds like ``The Invasion'' by Danny Elfman. The bird's-eye view of an unbroken formation of disks is somewhat reminiscent of The Game``Space Invaders.''

In the state of Kentucky in the United States, a herd of cows was seen running on fire, followed by a saucer flying away. Cows and disks are inseparable, and the Alien is expected to mess with or kidnap the cows on the farm, and the opening scene is a straightforward visual depiction of this. Six months after the Roswell Incident, another unidentified flying object was sighted in the state, known as the ``Captain Mantel Incident.'' The Hubble Space Telescope also confirms the disk fleet, and the Earth side learns of the presence of Martians and their approach. A Arrival from a Martian is played on the radio-jacked TV, and an ambassador from Mars will soon visit Earth. Amid a Martian fever filled with equal parts anxiety and curiosity, troops and spectators gather at the ceremony venue set up in the Nevada desert. Eventually, a saucer falls from the sky, and the Martians finally appear. People all over the world watch the first Contact with an alien civilization, but...

There are many things I like about it, but most of all it's the Martian design. A brain so huge that it's exposed, and a face like a skeleton with eyeballs in it. Words like noise that don't seem like words. Furthermore, the spacesuits they wear look great, and the helmets that bulge out like light bulbs that match their distinctive heads are interesting. The Martian is so bizarre that it seems like it was designed by Burton, but the movie was originally based on the trading card series of the same name released by the trading card company Topps in 1962, and the Martian was also designed by Burton. Based on the trading card artwork. The story depicts Martians committing brutal acts on Earth, and the pulp-like style of the illustrations are also very good. When you look at the trading cards, you can see that this worldview is being made into a movie straight, and you can clearly see that it has a high affinity with Burton's visual world.


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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. “Mars Attack! ' Serious evil fusake [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.52]