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  3. "Loki on the move, always" *Note! Contains spoilers. [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.60]
"Loki on the move, always" *Note! Contains spoilers. [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.60]

"Loki on the move, always" *Note! Contains spoilers. [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.60]


Loki's romance and growth story

Hunting for Easter eggs in the void is fun, but what you shouldn't forget is the many Lokis from another universe that appear. Kid Loki, who killed Thor when he was a boy, tricked Thanos with illusions and escaped death and survived in hiding, but old Loki was pruned just after leaving his hideout because he wanted to meet Thor, for some reason. Loki in the form of a crocodile, Loki who never stops bragging, Loki who for some reason is a presidential candidate... Various Lokis appear, and even though everyone except the presidential candidate is a different actor, it's interesting that they all look like Loki. What was really great was Sylvie, the female Loki, the mutant Loki that TVA was chasing.

Sylvie was suddenly captured by the TVA when she was a young girl and was accused of a crime she didn't commit, but she managed to escape. Since then, she has been on the run through time and space as a time criminal, planning to destroy TVA. While the main character, Loki, has the ability to freely create matter and transform into other people, Sylvie can manipulate the minds of those she touches. Loki sympathizes with his own loneliness in the alternate universe he meets for the first time, and eventually becomes attracted to her.

This work has a lot to offer, and as I've said so far, the story is rather complex. However, if I had to explain it in one word, it would be this ``romance of falling in love with oneself.'' Loki is a self-centered narcissist who never cares for others. The reason why he has tried to rule the world is probably to fill that loneliness. Who will he fall in love with? Of course it's me. ``Loki'' is a romance that takes advantage of the multiverse, where there are multiple selves.

In the end, the person we can understand the most is ourselves from another universe. At first glance, it may seem a little lonely, but there's also a strange kind of dependability, or warmth to it. Another Marvel movie that also deals with the multiverse is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse . Each Spider-Man exists in each universe, and this is a work that brings them all together, but the bond between the Spider-Men that is depicted here is very touching. Miles, a novice Spider-Man, grows through his encounters with other Spider-Men. Similarly, through his encounters with Sylvie and others (literally, himself), Loki finds himself in it. You will come to know your own flaws and charms to the point that you hate it, just like looking in the mirror.

I don't think of encounters and romance with myself as empty comforts. This is a story of growth through encounters with a different self.

Before we know it, the Loki who was a ruthless villain at the time of `` The Avengers '' overlaps with the Loki of the original timeline after `` Thor: Battle Royale .'' Loki first saw the file that recorded his life at TVA, and was aware of the process and outcome of his change, but through his encounters and battles with Sylvie and others, he actually grew and realized the truth. In this sense, he was synchronized with Loki, who even sacrificed his life for Thor.

The stage set-up is a little complicated, but at its core it's a story of pure growth. Even though each episode is long, the 6-episode structure is easy to read and has a well-organized content, so I definitely recommend it. I'm also looking forward to season 2, which has already been decided to be produced. I'm so happy to have another favorite MCU movie.


Illustrations and text: Mizumaru Kawahara

Born in 1991. Illustrator. In addition to illustrations and covers for magazines and books, there are also illustration columns for movies and books. New movie reviews are currently being serialized in "SPUR" (Shueisha).





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  2. NEWS/Feature
  3. "Loki on the move, always" *Note! Contains spoilers. [Mizumaru Kawahara's CINEMONOLOGUE Vol.60]