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  3. The Intern
  4. What role does Robert De Niro play in "The Intern," which depicts the coexistence of men and women?
What role does Robert De Niro play in "The Intern," which depicts the coexistence of men and women?

(c) 2015 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

What role does Robert De Niro play in "The Intern," which depicts the coexistence of men and women?


Was it originally supposed to be Jack Nicholson?

When Jules' life starts to fall apart, she puts work at the top of her priorities and leaves childcare to her husband, and Ben becomes her only confidant. His unique position of being like a boss even though he is a subordinate, like a father even though we are not related by blood, like a best friend even though we have only met for a short time is unique to him, as he has experienced life's both the sour and the sweet. Characteristic.

“The Intern” (c) 2015 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

As usual, De Niro expresses this with a naturalness that makes it seem as if he is not acting, outstanding humor, and a youthful, sometimes cute expression, making him incredibly charming. Initially, Myers wanted Jack Nicholson to play the role of Ben, who had been looking for his next role after collaborating on `` The Something's Gotta Give ,'' but due to Nicholson's health reasons, he settled on De Niro. There is. However, in the end, I think De Niro was the correct choice. There is a risk that Nicholson would end up taking on the role of Jules' lover.

For Anne Hathaway, it's a reversal of ``The Devil Wears Prada.''

Also, for Anne Hathaway, this work can be said to be a reverse version of her masterpiece, `` The Devil Wears Prada Wears Prada'' (2006). At that time, she was bullied by her demon-like female boss, but this time she exposes her weakness by subordinating a much older man to her subordinates. He finally gains the friendship he never had before.

"The Devil Wears Prada" preview

The way this relationship between men and women is depicted is important. It is ironic that Jules, who stands above men in the workplace and seems to be leading the women's era, eventually learns of setbacks and turns to Ben, who has lived at the center of a male-dominated society for a long time. The outstanding feature of this work is the theme of coexistence between men and women that transcends age differences. Incidentally, it was in 2017 that the #MeToo movement spread from Hollywood and swept American society.


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  2. movie
  3. The Intern
  4. What role does Robert De Niro play in "The Intern," which depicts the coexistence of men and women?