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  3. Ford v Ferrari
  4. “Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster
“Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster

(c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

“Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster


“Inner battle” that makes your character shine

As I mentioned earlier, the story of ``Ford v Ferrari'' is very simple. A combination of an honor student and a problem child work hard to defeat the strongest champion -- a story like a classic youth sports manga that moves forward with great force. From the beginning, the main focus of this work is ``How to bring about giant killings,'' and the structure is designed to create a sense of catharsis.

So what is it that makes this one story so interesting? They are "trial" and "character." The hardships give the story its ups and downs and add drama. The characters bring dynamism and add breadth and depth.

Of course, the trials are straightforward, such as ``building a machine'' and ``strategy for a race,'' but the time is rather spent on internal conflicts. The core of the drama is the internal struggle between Shelby and Miles and Ford, who imposes impossible demands on them. Moreover, because this part is carefully depicted, the viewer's empathy is heightened. This is because you can view it in the place you belong to, such as your workplace or organization.

“Ford v Ferrari” (c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

What Ford has is a hatred that makes him laugh at the Ferrari he insulted. However, of course, a huge corporation cannot be driven solely by its own personal interests. There is a dark feeling in my heart, but participating in Le Mans is also PR for the entire company. By defeating the champion here, he hopes to improve Ford's brand power and dramatically increase sales. From a business perspective, they aim for victory. Shelby and Miles are swayed by this cause.

What's troubling is that Ford is even interfering with race team members. In particular, Miles, a lone wolf who is not good at group activities, is a dangerous racer who could damage the company's brand image. Although Ford executives fully recognized his abilities, they pressured Shelby into thinking that he was unsuitable as a Ford racer, and tried to force Miles out of the race.

Furthermore, even during the race, he tries to jump over Shelby and give instructions to the team, which causes him to resent him. It's not just a refreshing story about ``working hard toward a goal,'' but it has the bitterness and depth of a true story.

Although he is a complete ``villain'' in terms of his role, another excellent element of this work is that he is able to fully understand the company's intentions. It leaves room for the viewer to come to terms with ``corporate choices'' without creating a forced conflict structure in order to bring out the entertainment value. In the first place, Ford is Shelby and Miles' employer, and without them, they would not be able to pursue their dreams.

“Ford v Ferrari” (c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

For example, in the Japanese TV drama `` Odoru Daisousasen '' (1997), the key was the conflict between the people in the field and the upper management, but in that case, they were just ``friends'' in the organization. However, the structure of this work is close to that of a client and a subcontractor, and the power balance is not balanced from the beginning. But that's why there's a sense of manliness in the way Shelby tries to protect Miles, even at the risk, and it's heartwarming to see Miles, seeing Shelby's determination, take on the race not just out of friendship, but out of gratitude.

Just a hired person. You must obey the client's wishes, regardless of your opinion. However, even so, he will not abandon his fangs and beliefs. Sometimes they put on a show, other times they use their own skills to convince others, and when they cannot give in, they resort to making desperate appeals. A multi-layered drama about men struggling to overcome distorted situations, with outstanding performances by Matt Damon and Christian Bale. It can be said that this outstanding combination of ``setting'' and ``acting'' increases the ``value'' of this work to the utmost.


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  2. movie
  3. Ford v Ferrari
  4. “Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster