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  3. Ford v Ferrari
  4. “Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster
“Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster

(c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

“Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster


Astonishing footage with a focus on authenticity and full-fledged acting

An important promise in terms of visuals was that they must be ``authentic''. Damon and Bale, who were said to be the production team's first choices, were asked to play roles that were more than just acting.

Bale had to slim down his body, which he gained weight from `` Vice '' (2018) in which he played U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, to suit the role, and it is said that he lost about 30 kg in 7 months (by the way, Damon lost weight to Bale) When I asked him how he did it, he said, ``I didn't eat it.'') Bale then spent a week training with stunt drivers in order to meet Director Mangold's request to ``drive as much as possible himself.'' By the way, Damon apparently got a perm for the first time in his life.

“Ford v Ferrari” (c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Director James Mangold, who not only made the actors prepare in advance, but also made this film a masterpiece, takes a truly challenging approach. When you actually watch the film, you'll notice that there are quite a lot of close-ups of Damon and Bale's facial expressions. However, there aren't that many lines. In the racing scenes, Bale, as the driver, and Damon, as the watcher, had to fully express the tension, anxiety, and subtleties of each moment's emotions just by using their facial expressions.

From the actor's perspective, it must have been a lot of pressure to be filmed in close-up all the time. Of course, this reflects the deep trust that Director Mangold placed in them, but the situation in which ``most of the screen is occupied by the actors' faces'' continues so frequently that you don't often see it in other films.

What is surprising, however, is that not only is the production not noisy at all, but it effectively conveys the sense of urgency and real-time nature of a race where the situation changes moment by moment. Bale's wide-eyed expression shows a wild look that shows he's determined not to miss the match, and Damon's mouth is tied in a straight line, making sure to use his brain to make the next move. You can feel the competitive instinct that he searches for. As the facial expressions of the two men are shown alternately, it is clearly engraved in the minds of the audience that this is a deadly race.

“Ford v Ferrari” (c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

And there is no compromise whatsoever in the all-important race scene. Director Mangold, who spent several years refining the script, is particular about the ``authenticity'' and has created a video that relies as little on VFX as possible, drawing the audience into the midst of the race from the moment it begins.

Director Mangold has directed `` Girl, Interrupted '' (1999), `` New York Lover '' (2001), ` `Walk the Line' ' (2005), and `` 3:10 to Yuma '' ( 07) and ` `Wolverine: SAMURAI '' (13), he is a rare person who can create works that cross genres, but I would like you to think back to `` LOGAN' ' here.

The raw power of the car chase scene that unfolds at the beginning of the film, full of the `` Mad Max '' feel, surprised movie fans. The beautiful ferocity of a car kicking up dust and driving like a wild beast. Looking back, the ``realistic car action'' that led to ``Ford v Ferrari'' may have been established at that point.

This work features even more advanced camera work that undulates the ground, aggressive positioning that makes the car almost hit the camera, and driving sounds that seem to come up from the depths of the earth. It appeals to the viewer and makes the harsh race appear three-dimensionally right in front of their eyes.

Acting, video, drama, a hybrid of all of these. In the extreme, if this film had been a ``true story drama'' with no action highlights, or a ``race movie'' whose only selling point was the visuals, there is no doubt that it would not have received the results and acclaim it has received. ``Ford v Ferrari'' combines real racing with flesh-and-blood drama, making it a film worthy of competing for awards.

Text: SYO

Born in 1987. After The Graduate from Tokyo Gakugei University, he worked at a film magazine editorial production site and a film information site before becoming a film writer/editor. Works on a wide range of topics including interviews, reviews, columns, event appearances, and recommendation comments. Contributed to ``CINEMORE'', ``FRIDAY Digital'', ``Fan's Voice'', ``Eiga.com'', ``Cinema Cafe'', ``BRUTUS'', ``DVD & Video Distribution'', etc. Twitter「 syocinema

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"Ford v Ferrari"

Nationwide roadshow on Friday, January 10, 2020

Distribution: Walt Disney Japan

(c)2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation


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  2. movie
  3. Ford v Ferrari
  4. “Twin engines” make the real race and real-life drama “Ford v Ferrari” explosively faster