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  3. Police Story
  4. “Police Story” A full course of Jackie's best physical skills, stunts, and comedy in movie history
“Police Story” A full course of Jackie's best physical skills, stunts, and comedy in movie history

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

“Police Story” A full course of Jackie's best physical skills, stunts, and comedy in movie history


Commitment to comedy scenes packed with gags

Jackie's films are primarily comedies, heavily influenced by the gags of Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and Buster Keaton from the silent film era. Therefore, physical gags are familiar in all films, but in ``Police Story,'' these gags are scattered more densely than usual, ensuring that the audience will not get bored even for a moment. Jackie is an action supremacist, but at the same time a gag supremacist.

The most vivid example of this is the scene in the middle of the story at the police station where the detective played by Jackie works. For some reason, there is a cow grazing outside the entrance to the police station, and Jackie ends up stepping on its feces. She tries to get rid of the feces by putting her shoes on the ground, but before she knows it, her movements start to resemble breakdancing steps, and she even performs a moonwalk.

Jackie, who builds the story by working backwards from the action, seems to have the same attitude toward gags. In other words, he must have thought of this silly gag (compliment) first, followed the thought path of ``Then we need some shit,'' ⇒ ``Then let's put a cow at the entrance to the police station.''

"Police Story" (C) 1993, 2004 STAR TV Filmed Entertainment (HK) Limited & STAR TV Filmed Entertainment Limited. All Rights Reserved.

In the next scene, Jackie, who is left alone as a house-sitter at the police station, keeps picking up the phone to answer the phone's ringing one after another, and the cord becomes like a spider's web. Furthermore, in between these scenes, he eats instant ramen with two pencils and swallows an eraser, which seems to be a deliberate effort to include another silly gag (a compliment, of course).

Jackie uses great physical skill and careful cuts to carefully show off the scenes, which are gag-only scenes that seem to be unnecessary to the story, using a considerable amount of length.

The structure of the movie is a bit distorted, but that's the real pleasure of Jackie's movies, which are made with action and gags first. The distortion explodes even at the climax.


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  2. movie
  3. Police Story
  4. “Police Story” A full course of Jackie's best physical skills, stunts, and comedy in movie history