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  3. Wednesday Disappears
  4. “Wednesday Disappears” A “gentle new sensation” created by Tomoya Nakamura and a new director
“Wednesday Disappears” A “gentle new sensation” created by Tomoya Nakamura and a new director

(c)2020 “Wednesday Disappears” Production Committee

“Wednesday Disappears” A “gentle new sensation” created by Tomoya Nakamura and a new director


Summary of "Wednesday Disappears"

After a traffic accident in his childhood, seven "I" are swapped out for each day of the week in one body. The seven, all with different personalities and characteristics, lived a peaceful, albeit inconvenient, life. Among them, who call each other by the name of each day of the week, "Tuesday" is the most boring and boring. Cleaning the house, receiving packages, going to the hospital... he is always the one who is at the disadvantage, being forced to do things on other days of the week. Today, "Tuesday" finishes a monotonous day as usual, and goes to bed to prepare for another week. It happened suddenly. When "Tuesday" wakes up in the morning, he notices that the surroundings are different from usual. An unfamiliar TV program, music from the greenway that he has never heard before... Yes, "Wednesday" has disappeared. "Tuesday" enjoys Wednesday, but his daily life gradually turns to surprise and fear. What will happen to the remaining "Tuesday"?


An idea born from a three-line plot

There are seven me, who change depending on the day of the week.

One morning, "Wednesday" disappeared. My self continues to expand.

Is it really the happiness he's been waiting for?

"Wednesday Disappears" is a truly "new" movie. Not only does it have a catchy premise in which the popular actor Tomoya Nakamura plays seven roles, but the film also has a tricky story design, a variety of slow motion, and a visual expression that incorporates sci-fi-like direction, making it hard to feel its Japanese roots. For starters, the credits of the talented director Yoshino Kohei, who worked on this film, are director, scriptwriter, and VFX, a lineup that is rarely seen in Japan.

How did this film come about? Producer Tanito Yutaka, who was one of the first to discover Director Yoshino's talent, said the following in a press release: "One day, as we were holding regular planning meetings, the director and I watched ' Get Out ' (2017) and got excited about the greatness of a single idea. After ' The Truman Show ' (1998), ' Her ' (2013), ' About Time ' (2013), ' Beauty Inside ' (2015), ' Don't Breathe ' (2016)... the idea just kept expanding."

"Wednesday Disappears" Trailer

Looking at the lineup of these works, you can probably get a sense of the structure of this film. Each of them injects fictional ideas into reality, pursuing the unique fun of film. Just hearing the synopsis -- that is, just hearing one idea that forms the basis of the film -- is the type of film that piques your interest. The week after that meeting, Director Yoshino sent a three-line plot, and this film started to move forward.

Title: "Wednesday Disappears"

Seven personalities living inside one person, alternating on different days of the week.

The story is told from the perspective of the most mundane and boring of these, commonly known as "Tuesday."

However, one day "Wednesday" disappears and the story begins to unfold.

Surprisingly, the outline of the film, including the title, is perfectly formed at this point. "Why did 'Wednesday' disappear?" is a mystery that becomes clear as you watch the film, and the way it leaves this blank is a clever way of drawing the viewer in. Director Yoshino also says, "The basis of a film is to resolve a certain situation," which is both original and clear.

Director Yoshino was born in 1979. He has also worked as a commercial planner and copywriter, and as a filmmaker he won the Special Jury Prize at the PFF Awards in 2000. He has worked as a CG creator on numerous music videos and " Your Name" (2016). He is active in both live-action and animation, and "Wednesday Disappears" is his directorial debut.

"Your Name" Trailer

moumuun "Emerald Hill" MV

Thus, as a result of a new type of creator making his film debut, a new type of work that, as mentioned above, has ``not had a Japanese feel'' was born.


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  2. movie
  3. Wednesday Disappears
  4. “Wednesday Disappears” A “gentle new sensation” created by Tomoya Nakamura and a new director