2. movie
  3. Annie Hall
  4. ``Annie Hall'' Woody Allen and Diane Keaton, the beginning of their friendship
``Annie Hall'' Woody Allen and Diane Keaton, the beginning of their friendship

(c) Photofest / Getty Images

``Annie Hall'' Woody Allen and Diane Keaton, the beginning of their friendship


From “Anhedonia” to “Annie Hall”

Originally, the title of the film was ``Anhedonia'' rather than ``Annie Hall,'' and it was intended to be about Alvy's inner struggles, not Annie's. However, during the editing stage, the story was changed to a story about lovers, and the title was also changed. In Allen's autobiography, "Apropos of Nothing" (published by Arcade), which became a hot topic in the United States this year, Allen writes about the circumstances as follows.

"The original title given to the film was 'Anhedonia,' which is a psychological term and means someone who is unable to feel joy. The distributor, United Artists, really liked the content of the film. However, I didn't think I would be able to accept the title.There was a discussion with the company, and I decided to drop the title.An alternative title was ``Sweetheart'', but there was already a movie with the same title, so I decided not to use this title either. (Omitted) The title ``Alvy and Annie'' was also proposed, but in the end it was ``Annie Hall.'' It was decided to use the title that borrowed Keaton's real name.'' (Real name: Diane Hall)

"Annie Hall" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

In his autobiography, Allen explains why he did not go to the Oscar ceremony for ``Annie Hall.'' `` The night of the ceremony, I was playing jazz in New York. I think the song he was playing was "Jackass Blues," a song famously performed by King Oliver.I said I couldn't attend the award ceremony because I had a gig, but if I had time, However, I don't think I would have gone to the award ceremony.I don't like the idea of ​​giving awards in artistic fields, because they are not created for the purpose of competition.They are born out of a desire for artistic expression, and if possible, they are created for the sake of the viewer. This is because a work is entrusted with the feeling of wanting people to enjoy it.”

This shows Allen's attitude of going at his own pace, rather than trying to please the film industry. I think ``Annie Hall'' continues to be loved even today because it is a work that was entrusted with the honest desire to make an interesting movie.


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  2. movie
  3. Annie Hall
  4. ``Annie Hall'' Woody Allen and Diane Keaton, the beginning of their friendship