2. movie
  3. The Town
  4. The spirit of crime action inherited from “The Town” and the masterpiece “Heat”
The spirit of crime action inherited from “The Town” and the masterpiece “Heat”

The spirit of crime action inherited from “The Town” and the masterpiece “Heat”


"The Town" synopsis

There's a small town that has more bank robberies than anywhere else in the vast United States. Charles Town is located northeast of Boston. The people who live there call the city "Town" with both love and hate. His dream of becoming a professional hockey player is shattered, and Tagg ends up being the leader of a group of robbers, but he has doubts about his life. One day, as usual, he commits a robbery based on a carefully planned plan, but he learns that the hostage he took unexpectedly, Claire, is a resident of Town and approaches her for surveillance purposes. The encounter between two people who were never supposed to meet changed the fate of the people of Town. Doug hopes for a new life with Claire, with whom he has fallen deeply in love. FBI special agent Florey relentlessly corners the gang. The rules of the underworld creep up on Claire, a fellow gem who won't let her escape. Will he betray his friends or lose hope in the name of love?Doug heads for his most dangerous "last job": attacking a major league stadium.


Influences from two great masterpieces set in Boston

The Town, Ben Affleck's second directorial film, received critical acclaim from critics and audiences upon its release, and was noted for its influence from various great crime movies. . Director Affleck has made no secret of this, and has taken the initiative to name the masterpieces that have influenced him, paying great respect to him.

For example, The Departed (2006), for which Martin Scorsese won the coveted Academy Award for Best Picture. This movie is also set in the same Boston area as ``The Town,'' and it gives the audience a sense of the history of gangs that have been etched in this area, which was built by Irish immigrants. He conveys things in a way that is easy to understand, even though he is pouring out words. Also, the symmetrical depiction of the worlds of police and gangs seems to be an element that is followed in ``The Town.'' Since both films are produced by Warner Bros., they may share some of the same DNA in terms of location scouting and accumulated know-how.

And if we go back a few years to Warner's works, we find another dark suspense film, ` `Mystic River '' (2003), which was also highly acclaimed by master Clint Eastwood. This is also a rare work that is set in the Boston area and succeeds in infusing the history, tradition, and culture unique to this area in an eerily rich way.

Let's try expanding the map. It turns out that "Charles The Town," the setting for "The Town," is a very small area located right between the Mystic River and the Charles River. In other words, the settings of the two films overlap greatly in a sense. Furthermore, the title of ``Mystic River,'' the ``great river,'' continues to harbor a mysterious flow, as if ``only the river knows everything.'' Or perhaps this river could even be called a ``vague line of demarcation between this world and the next.''

"Mystic River" preview

Coincidentally, ``The Town'' weaves a story that extensively incorporates ``another river'' that divides this land along with the Mystic River. Considering the number of appearances and thematic nature, it might even be possible in a sense to name this work ``Charles River'' instead of ``The Town.''


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  2. movie
  3. The Town
  4. The spirit of crime action inherited from “The Town” and the masterpiece “Heat”