2. movie
  3. The Town
  4. Ben Affleck's directorial style infuses the reality of "The Town" with "The Town"
Ben Affleck's directorial style infuses the reality of "The Town" with "The Town"

Ben Affleck's directorial style infuses the reality of "The Town" with "The Town"


"The Town" synopsis

There's a small town that has more bank robberies than anywhere else in the vast United States. Charles Town is located northeast of Boston. The people who live there call the city "Town" with both love and hate. His dream of becoming a professional hockey player is shattered, and Tagg ends up being the leader of a group of robbers, but he has doubts about his life. One day, as usual, he commits a robbery based on a carefully planned plan, but he learns that the hostage he took unexpectedly, Claire, is a resident of Town and approaches her for surveillance purposes. The encounter between two people who were never supposed to meet changed the fate of the people of Town. Doug hopes for a new life with Claire, with whom he has fallen deeply in love. FBI special agent Florey relentlessly corners the gang. The rules of the underworld creep up on Claire, a fellow gem who won't let her escape. Will he betray his friends or lose hope in the name of love?Doug heads for his most dangerous "last job": attacking a major league stadium.


Recorded the No. 1 box office record in the U.S. for the first time as a director's work.

``The Town,'' which was released in the United States on September 17, 2010, became the first Ben Affleck-directed movie to reach No. 1 in the weekend box office rankings. From the next week onwards, the box office revenue of a normal work would have continued to decline by 50% every weekend, but for this work, it continued at a smooth pace of a 30% decline, and finally reached its 7th week. It remained in the top 10 for many years. This longevity is also a sign that the audience is concentrated among the middle-aged and older generation.

As a result, this film, which cost $35 million to make, grossed more than $90 million at the US box office. Quite a feat for an R-rated crime drama. In addition to box office revenue, the film itself received explosive acclaim, with Jeremy Renner nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards. Director Ben Affleck, who captivated hardcore movie fans with his previous film ` `Gone Baby Gone ,'' expanded his range of expression with ``The Town'' and gained an even more mainstream audience. After that, he never slowed down and won the Academy Award for Best Picture for `` Argo '', reaching the top of the movie world.


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  2. movie
  3. The Town
  4. Ben Affleck's directorial style infuses the reality of "The Town" with "The Town"