2. movie
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  4. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Re-decoding Marvel's biggest turning point in "Politics, Movies, MCU"
"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Re-decoding Marvel's biggest turning point in "Politics, Movies, MCU"

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"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Re-decoding Marvel's biggest turning point in "Politics, Movies, MCU"


“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” synopsis

Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, a hero of World War II, wakes up from a sleep of about 70 years and struggles to adapt to modern society, even though he has fought in New York as one of the Avengers. was. Afterwards, he becomes a member of the international peacekeeping organization ``SHIELD'' and goes on a mission with Natasha Romanoff, also known as ``Black Widow''. I found out about the existence of ``. Steve becomes suspicious, thinking it's a surveillance on humanity, but suddenly he's attacked by an assassin called the Winter Soldier and a special unit from SHIELD, who are supposed to be his allies.


What does "Marvel's biggest turning point" mean?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a film series produced by Marvel Studios, the movie division of Marvel Entertainment, which began with Iron Iron Man (2008). Although the original plans were disrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic, Marvel has also begun producing and distributing a drama series on Disney's video distribution service, Disney+. `` WandaVision ,'' which has been a hot topic since the beginning of 2021, is the first installment. After the blockbuster `` Avengers: Endgame '' (2019), which became the culmination of a series, the MCU is stepping into new territory.

The second drama series following ``WandaVision'' is `` The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, '' which was released on Friday, March 19, 2021. As the title suggests, this is an action film starring the Falcon/Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) and the Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan). The two met for the first time in ``Captain America : The Captain America: The Winter Soldier'' movie series. This is a movie that changed the history of the MCU.

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” trailer

The first film in the series, " Captain America: The First Avenger " (2011), is a light action movie with a "war movie style" depicting the birth of Captain America, the hero symbolizing America, and his exploits in World War II. Directed by Joe Johnston, director of " Jumanji " (1995) and " October Sky " ​​(1999), he has taken note of the character's dark origins as a man used for state propaganda, but has used his own style to create a fantastical story of Captain America's birth that the whole family can enjoy.

However, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige had the idea from the beginning to create a sequel to the series, ``combining a superhero movie with a 1970s political thriller.'' As this approach was successful, approaches to combining other genres within the framework of "hero movies" continued to accelerate. Heist comedy " Ant-Man " (2015), 90's psychological thriller " Captain America: Civil War " (16), horror movie style " Doctor Strange " (16), nostalgic youth film " Spider-Man: Homecoming" '' (2017), and the spy movie `` Black Panther '' (18), in which the survival of the nation is at stake.The list of examples is endless. The aforementioned ``WandaVision'' even incorporates the ``sitcom'' genre into its core.

Anthony and Joe Russo were appointed to direct ``Captain America: The Winter Soldier,'' which was their first attempt at a major film. After directing the third film in the series, "Captain America: Civil War," the brothers were also given the responsibility to direct " Avengers: Infinity War " (2018) and " Avengers: Endgame ," which were milestones in the MCU. However, this work marked his first participation.

If you take these aspects into account, you will understand that I have no hesitation in calling this work "Marvel's biggest turning point." Now, as we approach the start of ``The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,'' I would like to take a closer look at this work, crossing the lines of ``politics, movies, and the MCU.''


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  2. movie
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  4. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" Re-decoding Marvel's biggest turning point in "Politics, Movies, MCU"