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  3. Scanners
  4. ``Scanners'' A turning point for Cronenberg, who combined authorship and popular appeal.
``Scanners'' A turning point for Cronenberg, who combined authorship and popular appeal.

(C) 1980 Filmplan International Inc. All rights reserved

``Scanners'' A turning point for Cronenberg, who combined authorship and popular appeal.


*This article touches on the core of the story, so we recommend reading it after watching the movie.

"Scanners" synopsis

Cameron Bale (Stephen Ruck) is a taciturn wanderer who is despised by a female customer at a shopping center, and when he glares at her maliciously, she struggles and faints. Vail is taken away by the security company Consec and learns that he is a psychic called a scanner. Meanwhile, another scanner, Revok (Michael Ironside), causes an incident in which a person's head explodes in the Consec conference hall. Revok was planning to use his abilities to conquer the world using scanners. Vail is ordered to kill Revok at the request of Consec Corporation and pursues him with a female scanner, Kim (Jennifer O'Neill), but discovers that there is a terrible secret hidden between him and Revok...

Toronto is Canada's largest city. In winter, the air is dry and the temperature continues to drop below freezing, and there is apparently a lot of snowfall from October to April. However, in the summer, the humidity is high and the temperature can exceed 35°. David Cronenberg, who was born and raised in Canada and has made films in Canada, creates films that seem like a fusion of Canadian winter and summer, with scenes of hard, cold landscapes overflowing with humid body fluids and internal organs. It shows you the scene.


“Scanners” and actual human experiments

Because he has a "scanning ability" that allows people's thoughts to "flow" into his head, Vail is unable to lead a social life and wanders around town like a recluse. While he was scavenging for leftover food in the food court of a shopping center, he was captured by Konsec, a security company for VIPs. Dr. Ruth, who researches psychic "scanners" at Consec Corporation, buys Vail's "scanning ability" and makes a certain request. Previously, at a research presentation by Consec Corporation, he wants them to stop the plot of Revok, a powerful scanner that used only its powerful scanning ability to blow up people's heads and leave. Vail pursues Revok while visiting various scanners, but in the process, he gets closer to the great conspiracy of Konsec Corporation, including Vail's own origins.

The psychic experiments at Consec Corporation depicted in Scanners(1981) are fictional, very science fiction-like, but they are inspired by historical fact. 1950s. With the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union entered the Cold War era, with no direct confrontation. The United States succeeds in stealing experimental data by summoning scientists (including war criminals) who conducted inhumane experiments conducted by Nazi Germany during World War II.

“Scanners” preview

In addition, we focused on the fact that soldiers taken prisoner by the North Korean side (Chinese Communist Party) during the Korean War were brainwashed as communists, and based on Nazi experiment data, we focused on mind control/brainwashing using drugs. Start the experiment. This project was named "MK Ultra Project". Interrogating a Soviet spy using a truth serum. Experiments on the effects of medication on pregnant women on babies. Memory erasure experiment using ultrasound. These inhumane experiments were carried out without the consent of the subjects.

Some of the experiments involved extremely gruesome torture experiments, including continuous administration of LSD for over 70 days. Naturally, the test subject's mind was destroyed by the experiment, producing a person who became a delinquent. The MK Ultra project, which resulted in terrible casualties, had its materials destroyed by the CIA director in later years. With the destruction of this material, the "MK Ultra Project" loses everything except its cruel and mysterious outline. This stimulated the creative desire of many creators.

``Brainwashing/mind control'', ``the outrageous disregard for human rights'', ``human experimentation'', ``evidence destruction''... these elements that lend themselves to fiction are incorporated into a variety of creative works. Brainwashing experiments have led to various spy and suspense films, including ` `The Bourne Identity '' (2002) and `` Agent Ultra '' (2015). People whose minds have been destroyed by experiments appear in films such as `` Conspiracy Theory '' (1997) and ` `RED '' (10). Experiments on drug administration to pregnant women influenced `` Charlie '' (1984) and ``Scanners.''


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  2. movie
  3. Scanners
  4. ``Scanners'' A turning point for Cronenberg, who combined authorship and popular appeal.