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  3. Saving Private Ryan
  4. Before and after ``Saving Private Ryan.'' Spielberg revolutionized depiction of battlefields
Before and after ``Saving Private Ryan.'' Spielberg revolutionized depiction of battlefields

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Before and after ``Saving Private Ryan.'' Spielberg revolutionized depiction of battlefields


“Saving Private Ryan” synopsis

The story, told through the eyes of American soldiers, begins with the historic D-Day invasion of World War II. After landing, the soldiers embark on a special mission that is extremely dangerous. Captain John Miller and his men penetrate deep into enemy territory to find Private James Ryan. Private Ryan, one of four brothers, lost his other three brothers in combat. When it seems impossible to carry out a mission, soldiers question the orders themselves. Why do eight soldiers have to risk their lives to save just one soldier? Surrounded by the harsh reality of the battlefield, they each come up with their own answers. And with honor, integrity, and courage, we will find the strength to overcome an uncertain future.


``Before and after Spielberg'' in film history

There's no denying that movie director Steven Spielberg is called the "King of Movies." For more than 40 years, they have been producing works that are highly entertaining and commercially viable, and have clearly demonstrated their capabilities in the entertainment market. In any case, his outstanding achievements are so great that I am a little confused as to what words should be used to praise his greatness.

However, if I were to point out a specific accomplishment, I would say that he is a creator who has established a point in film history ``before and after Spielberg.'' His early work `` Jaws '' (1975), which depicts an attack by a killer shark, brought a new style to the genre with its unusual style, which combined animal panic with adventure drama. In ``Close Encounters with the Close Encounters of the Third Kind Kind'' (1977), the theme of which is close encounters with intelligent life forms, abnormal situations seen from the perspectives of ordinary citizens, scientists, and the military reveal the contours of alien Contact. It has a chronicle-like structure, completely changing the grammar of this type of genre.

“ Close Encounters of the Third Kind” by Steven Spielberg

In the adventure drama " Indiana Jones " series (1981-2008), which he worked on with his ally George Lucas, he increased the proportion of action depictions to increase the perceived speed of the movie, and he also worked on the adventure drama " Jurassic Park " (1993) based on Michael Crichton's original work. By using not only conventional animatronics but also CGI, and collaborating with the latest film technology, they succeeded in depicting dinosaurs with a sense of life that no one had ever seen before.

The World War II film ``Saving Saving Private Ryan '' (1998), which Spielberg worked on more than 20 years ago, is also a revolutionary work that changed the visuals of the war genre ``before and after''. Eight soldiers throw themselves into the harsh front lines to rescue a single soldier. The film references this act of justice, which is fraught with contradictions, and provides a sharp insight into the ``essence of war'' behind the beautiful story.


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