2. movie
  3. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  4. “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” A picaresque romance in which three thugs go on a treasure hunt.
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” A picaresque romance in which three thugs go on a treasure hunt.

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“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” A picaresque romance in which three thugs go on a treasure hunt.


“The era of the great macaroni western” has come to an end

Meanwhile, Clint Eastwood was dissatisfied with "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." He read the script and realized that Tuco was the real protagonist of the movie. He refused to Signs the contract, saying, "Eli Wallach is the one who gets the benefits." Leone exploded in anger and said, "I'll bring in someone to replace you tomorrow!" Although they eventually agreed to a fee of $250,000, the negotiations took time and the start of filming was delayed.

Even when the lead actor finally showed up at the studio, the relationship between Eastwood and Leone was still strained. Although they did not have a heated argument, Eastwood was fed up with Leone's perfectionism and uncompromising demands. For a non-smoker, the constant smoking of cigars was Inferno, and he could not stand being tied down for three months to film. The grueling location shoot often led to heat stroke.

As expected, this was the last collaboration between Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood, and the "Great Spaghetti Western" era between the two came to an end.

"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" (c) Photofest / Getty Images

Time passed, and in 1988, while Eastwood was submitting his own film, Bird (1988), to the Cannes Film Festival, he received a call from an unexpected person.

"He (Sergio Leone) called me out of the blue. We had lunch together and chatted quietly for the first time in a long time. We had such a good time that we decided to meet again for dinner that evening. (Omitted) Sergio was completely relaxed and it was an unforgettable evening. (Omitted) A few months The Day After, he passed away. I think that night was his way of saying goodbye to me." (Quoted from an interview with Clint Eastwood**)

As a fan of Eastwood and Leone's films, this episode brings tears to my eyes. Even though it was only for a short time, the two men were old enough to renew their friendship. Then, in 1992, Eastwood released " Unforgiven, " which he called his "final western." Along with his mentor Don Siegel, this film is dedicated to Sergio Leone.

*" Sergio Leone - The Italian bad boy who shot the myth of Western movies " (translated by Daisuke Onizuka, Film Art Co., Ltd.)

** " The Lone Knight Clint Eastwood " (translated by Yoichiro Ishihara, Film Art Publishing)

Text: Rui Takeshima

A pop culture writer who wants to be kicked by Hit Girl. Host of the web magazine "POP MASTER".

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  4. “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” A picaresque romance in which three thugs go on a treasure hunt.