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  3. Inferno
  4. "Inferno" Metamorphosis in Romy Schneider's body
"Inferno" Metamorphosis in Romy Schneider's body

©2009 Lobster Films / France 2 Cinema

"Inferno" Metamorphosis in Romy Schneider's body


broken movie/screen test

“By focusing on the moment of the pose rather than the performance, Clouzot revealed what was behind the actor.”

(Serge Blomberg) *2

An image blooming like a kaleidoscope. The remains of an ecstatic dream. ``Inferno'' evokes endless curiosity in the viewer through its omissions. There's a lot of romanticism about broken cinema here. Like Romy Schneider's wedding dress, the images of this work bloom beautifully and then disappear fleetingly the next moment. It's like a huge fireworks display. The image of Odette water-skiing on the lake is connected to the image of the rapturous lovers in ``The The Lovers on the Bridge '' (1991), who water-skied down the Seine River with exploding fireworks in the background. `` The Lovers on the Bridge '' can also be said to be a work depicting the ``Inferno of love.'' Both Marcel in ``Inferno'' and Alex in `` The Lovers on the Bridge '' are caught up in delusional jealousy and lose control.

“Inferno” ©2009 Lobster Films / France 2 Cinema

Clouzot's experiment in capturing Romy Schneider coincidentally resonates with Andy Warhol's Screen Test. By abandoning the practicalities of the story, the background and life of actor Romy Schneider is revealed. The image of Odette's fearless smile reveals Romy Schneider's ambition to destroy the image of a princess, as well as her own fragility. ``Inferno'' can be said to be a film that requires audience participation in two ways. The audience dreams of a completed film by piecing together the fragments of unfinished films, and at the same time complements the fear and fragility of Romy Schneider, an actor with a fearless smile. In a broken movie, there stands an actor who looks like he's about to break down.

Still, the portrait of actor Romy Schneider never succumbs to the camera's sadistic gaze. Romy is infinitely fragile and infinitely overwhelming. Romy Schneider's camera test for ``Inferno'' proves more than any other footage that she is an actor born to be in front of the camera.

*1 " Romy, the Woman Loved by Movies - The Life of Actress Romy Schneider " (written by Shuichi Sasaki/Kokusho Kankokai)

*2 MUBI NOTEBOOK [Making "The Inferno Unseen"]

Text: Daiji Miyashiro (maplecat-eve)

Movie criticism. Contributed reviews to ``Leos Carax: Movie Wanderer'', Eureka's ``Wes Anderson Special'', Real Sound, Soen, otocoto, Toshio Matsumoto Special Pamphlet, etc.

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“40 Years After Death Romy Schneider Film Festival”

8/5 (Friday) ~ 8/25 (Thursday) Bunkamura Le Cinema and other nationwide release

Sponsor: Mermaid Film Distributor: Copiapoa Film Promotion: VALERIA

©2009 Lobster Films / France 2 Cinema


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  3. Inferno
  4. "Inferno" Metamorphosis in Romy Schneider's body