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  3. The Hunger
  4. ``The Hunger'' Tony Scott's artistic vampire story in his debut novel
``The Hunger'' Tony Scott's artistic vampire story in his debut novel

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``The Hunger'' Tony Scott's artistic vampire story in his debut novel


The one commercial that changed my life, being selected for “Top Gun”

However, one commercial he worked on during this time changed his life. The idea was for SAAB cars to fly alongside fighter jets on an airstrip, and this caught the attention of the production duo Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer.

Tony Scott SAAB CM

Don & Jerry were preparing a movie about fighter jet pilots and were looking for someone to lead this unprecedented project when they came across Tony's commercial. It can truly be called a defining moment in film history. The two of them were convinced that ``he was the only one!'' and decided to select Tony for this action epic on a scale of destruction that would grab the clouds.

The resulting film, `` Top Gun ,'' was a complete reversal of the slow-paced narrative of its predecessor, ``The Hunger.'' It has achieved the realistic sense of speed that it was aiming for, and the story development and the psychology of the characters are not at all difficult to understand, making the content really easy to understand. It can be said that this is where Tony Scott's film style, which allows you to immerse yourself in movies with your heart and body, rather than just thinking with your head, began here.

"Top Gun" trailer

Now that I think about it, it's precisely because he received such ``complete negation'' from the public for his first film that he was able to concentrate on making ``fast, thick, and hot'' movies in his second one without showing any self-consciousness. It might have been possible.

As you know, after that he thoroughly mastered the royal road of Hollywood, with his characteristic of being ``fast, thick, and hot.'' However, what fans will be happy about is that in the details of these heavy-duty depictions, they can instantly glimpse Tony Scott's artistic side, as seen in ``The Hunger.''

"The Hunger" (c)Photofest / Getty Images

They never drag on, and if there's a fantastic, captivating scene, you'll be hooked in the next moment! The series brings us back to the real and hard scenes, creating a series of well-defined and well-controlled scenes that will keep the audience entertained from beginning to end. This is Tony's skill, and it is probably something he himself learned from the lessons of ``The Hunger.'' Furthermore, this kind of artistry supports and provides depth to the thick drama and spectacular action of Tony's works. I am convinced that it is.

It's been 10 years since legendary director Tony Scott passed away. Everyone who knew him said, ``He was a gentle and cheerful person.'' He wears a faded red cap and a functional vest, his usual style on set. And her face had a slight red tinge, probably because she got sunburned during the photoshoot. Tony Scott in the photo hasn't aged at all, only the years have passed, and we fans have aged another 10 years.

I will continue to revisit his 16 feature-length films, from ``The The Hunger'' to ` `Unstoppable '' (2010), from time to time, and keep a close eye on the energetic and artistic strokes he put into his works. It's something I want to take full advantage of.

Reference materials:

The Hunger ” DVD audio commentary

" Top Gun " DVD audio commentary




Born in Nagasaki in 1977. When he was 3 years old, he saw ``Superman II'' with his father and became fascinated with movies. After The Graduate from Meiji University, he worked for a movie broadcasting channel and then became a movie writer. Currently, in addition to writing for Eiga.com, EYESCREAM, Real Sound Movie Club, etc., he also contributes to media press and theater programs.

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(c) Photofest / Getty Images


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  2. movie
  3. The Hunger
  4. ``The Hunger'' Tony Scott's artistic vampire story in his debut novel