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  3. Ready Player One
  4. “Ready Player One” What is the secret behind the intersection of the “creative worlds” created by geniuses? *Note! Contains spoilers.
“Ready Player One” What is the secret behind the intersection of the “creative worlds” created by geniuses? *Note! Contains spoilers.


“Ready Player One” What is the secret behind the intersection of the “creative worlds” created by geniuses? *Note! Contains spoilers.


*This article touches on the core of the story, so we recommend reading it after watching the movie.

“Ready Player One” synopsis

The ultimate world [Oasis] where any dream can come true. Inside the [Oasis], people can freely change their appearance and live as they wish. This [Oasis] is the ultimate answer to the rapidly developing VR! Halliday, the genius developer who created [Oasis], tells players all over the world that he has set three mysteries in the world of [Oasis] before his death. Only the first person to solve all the riddles set by Halliday himself will be able to obtain the egg and become the successor to [Oasis]. Who will clear the three extremely difficult problems and obtain the "Great Heritage"? Now, a grand treasure hunt in which all humankind can participate begins! !


The Shining , a horror movie masterpiece that appears in “ Ready Player One ”

The movie ``Ready Player One'' transcends the boundaries of rights and features many famous characters and items from all over the world. However, the most surprising thing for movie fans will be the appearance of director Stanley Kubrick's classic horror movie `` The Shining '' (1980) in the movie.

This work features an immersive interactive system called ``Movie Sync,'' which allows players to become the protagonists of past movies and dramas. The main character, Wade, and the High Five, who are searching for the key, access the world of ``The Shining '' through the movie sync and experience the main lobby of the Overlook Hotel, the setting of the movie, and a huge maze in the snow. He encounters twin sisters in the hallway and a rotting old woman in room 237. In other words, `` Ready Player One '' repeats famous scenes from `` The Shining '' through the actions of Wade and his friends.

What's more, many of the shots are not sets, but CG digital backplates (background screens), which is a surprising trend of the times. In addition, it even simulates the graininess of the film (Eastman Kodak 100T 5247) on which ``The Shining'' was shot, and its commitment has gone beyond a mere quotation to the point of completely reproducing ``The Shining.''

"The Shining" preview

However, this Movie Sync is based on the science fiction thriller " War The Game " (1983) directed by John Badham, in which a program confronts the artificial intelligence War Power (WOP/supercomputer) to prevent nuclear war. It depicts a simulated experience of the same work.

The obvious reason why it was changed to ``The Shining'' is that the rights to the film belonged to Warner, the producer of ``Ready Player One.''

However, another reason is that the director, Steven Spielberg, was close friends with Kubrick, who worked on the film. Above all, Spielberg has a connection with Kubrick, who directed `` AI '' (2001), which was a project that was planned before Kubrick's death. Therefore, if the quote from ``The Shining'' is a ``proof of affinity'' between the two, it would be more persuasive than simply saying that it is the same Warner film.

However, there is a causal relationship between Spielberg and ``The Shining'' that cannot be dismissed simply as proof of affection.


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  4. “Ready Player One” What is the secret behind the intersection of the “creative worlds” created by geniuses? *Note! Contains spoilers.