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  3. Ennio
  4. “Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro
“Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro

©2021 Piano b produzioni, gaga, potemkino, terras

“Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro


My ally, Giuseppe Tornatore

The director of this film is Giuseppe Tornatore, known for " Cinema Paradiso " (1988), " The Legend of 1900 " (1998), and " Malena " (2000). Ennio Morricone composed almost all of his works, so they are true allies. Tornatore first came into contact with Morricone's music when he watched " For a Few Dollars More " (1965) as a child.

"When I was about 8 or 10 years old, I saw ' For a Few Dollars More '. I was particularly impressed by the music. A few days later, when I went to the beach, a jukebox started playing the soundtrack to ' For a Few Dollars More '. I was deeply moved by the idea that film music can make us live without movies. Since then, I have been interested in Morricone." (*1)

"Ennio" ©2021 Piano b productions, gaga, potemkino, terras

Just like Sergio Leone before him, Giuseppe Tornatore became Ennio Morricone's most trusted partner in his later years. When a producer approached him about making a documentary film, he said, "I'll do it if Giuseppe does it, but not if it's anyone else!" Tornatore himself does not hide his love and friendship for the great composer.

"I want to say that we understood each other immediately, and that this relationship grew in mutual trust and empathy, because we have been working and dating for more than 30 years. (Omitted) We always heard each other's voices, went to meals, had lunch on Sundays, and always talked about our favorite subject, music, the relationship between music and film. He told me about his life, and asked me about mine. We had a relationship like a correspondence." (*2)


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  4. “Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro