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  3. Ennio
  4. “Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro
“Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro

©2021 Piano b produzioni, gaga, potemkino, terras

“Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro


Families who were not invited as interviewees

Many famous people from various fields appear in interviews in this documentary. Film directors include Quentin Tarantino, Sergio Leone, Bernardo Bertolucci, Dario Argento, and Clint Eastwood. Film composers include Hans Zimmer and John Williams. Musicians include Pat Metheny, Bruce Springsteen, Quincy Jones, and Metallica's James Hetfield (Metallica uses " The Good, the Bad and the Ugly " as sound effects in their live performances!). Personally, I was surprised to learn that Bruce Springsteen was a Morricone fan, but it's proof that this master has crossed all genres.

On the other hand, there are some people Giuseppe Tornatore chose not to interview: his family. His wife Maria, who was Morricone's creative muse, and his son, composer Andrea Morricone. The testimonies of the family members who were closest to him and who watched over him, do not appear in the film at all.

"Ennio" ©2021 Piano b productions, gaga, potemkino, terras

Of course, this is likely the result of consideration to avoid intruding into Morricone's private life as much as possible, but more than that, I sense Tornatore's strong will to create a film purely as a music documentary. Or perhaps it would be better to say that he wanted to tell the story of "film history" through half his life. When Tornatore started this project, his request to the producer was "to be able to freely use scenes from films that Morricone was involved in." This shows just how important the role that this master has played is.

Ennio Morricone passed away in July 2020 at the age of 91. This film, which was made after more than five years of close coverage, ended up being the last film to capture him while he was alive. However, we film fans should be grateful that this film was made by the director Morricone trusted the most. The 157 minutes of this documentary film are history itself.

*1, *3 https://variety.com/2021/film/global/ennio-morricone-documentary-giuseppe-tornatore-1235061207/

*2 https://www.italianpost.news/ennio-interview-with-giuseppe-tornatore-on-the-new-film-dedicated-to-morricone-video/

Text: Rui Takeshima

A pop culture writer who wants to be kicked by Hit Girl. Host of the web magazine "POP MASTER".

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January 13th (Friday) TOHO Cinemas Chanter, Bunkamura Le Cinema and other theaters nationwide

Distribution: Gaga

©2021 Piano b produzioni, gaga, potemkino, terras


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  4. “Ennio” “Movie history” drawn through the life of the great maestro