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  3. Marie Antoinette
  4. "Marie Antoinette" I Want Candy! end of party
"Marie Antoinette" I Want Candy! end of party

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"Marie Antoinette" I Want Candy! end of party


"Marie Antoinette" synopsis

Antoine, the 14-year-old daughter of Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria, moved to France to marry the Dauphin of France. As the Crown Princess of France, Marie Antoinette, Marie was excited about her glamorous married life at the Palace of Versailles, but when she actually lived there, she was watched by a large number of people around her from morning till night, and was filled with malicious intent. Inferno days awaited him, including being hurt by backbiting. Furthermore, her husband Louis shows no interest in Marie, and the pressure to bear an heir is weighing heavily on Marie. In order to relieve her loneliness and anxiety, Marie begins to find pleasure in extravagance. Meanwhile, the starving people finally start a revolution. The public's anger is directed at Marie, who repeatedly indulges in luxury...


Unspecified number of gazes

"Movies are memories, recreated in faded snapshots" (Sofia Coppola) *1

“All eyes will be on you.” Maria Theresa (Marianne Faithful) tells this to her daughter Antoine (Kirsten Dunst), who is being sent away as Queen of France. A childhood left behind. A violent gaze directed at a girl who knows nothing. Maria Theresa's words of blessing soon take on a disturbing tone.

Sofia Coppola's ``Marie Antoinette'' (2006) depicts a young girl who is subjected to an unforgiving gaze. The defenselessness and innocence of a 14-year-old girl who decided to call herself Marie Antoinette as the wife of Louis XVI. Sofia Coppola's strong motivations for making this film are clearly expressed in the scene of the handover ceremony that takes place on the border between Austria and France.

"Marie Antoinette" trailer

The sound of horse footsteps echoing quietly. The sunset seen from the carriage window. Playing cards with a female friend. He is smiling as he shows a small portrait of Louis XVI he is about to meet to a female friend (it looks like he is showing off a photo saved on his smartphone). Sofia Coppola spends a lot of time in the scene where the girl travels from Austria to France in a horse-drawn carriage. The moving scenes, taken like faded snapshots, have the intimacy of a home movie.

The theme of Sofia Coppola's ``merciless gaze'' emerges in the ``handover ceremony'' scene, which brutally tears apart intimacy. During this ritual scene, the girl is literally stripped of her Austrian costume and separated from her dog, Mops. The shot of the back of a naked girl from a distance is full of forebodings of the eyes of an unspecified number of people that will be watching her in the future.


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  2. movie
  3. Marie Antoinette
  4. "Marie Antoinette" I Want Candy! end of party