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  3. That Cold Day in the Park
  4. "That Cold Day in the Park" Altman's expressionist production that looks into the abyss of humanity.
"That Cold Day in the Park" Altman's expressionist production that looks into the abyss of humanity.

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"That Cold Day in the Park" Altman's expressionist production that looks into the abyss of humanity.


*This article touches on the core of the story, so we recommend reading it after watching the movie.

"That Cold Day in the Park" synopsis

Frances, who lives a wealthy life, is curious about a young man (Michael Burns) she sees outside her window. I was sitting on a bench in a park in the pouring rain, completely wet. She ends the party early and calls out to him, bathes him, feeds him, and listens to records together. Strangely, he doesn't say a word. He doesn't respond to any of her questions. Still, Frances takes good care of him, and the young man begins to stop by her house whenever he feels like it. In this way, a strange and mysterious relationship is built between the two...


Expressionist writer Robert Altman

Robert Altman and Alfred Hitchcock. The man who was called the "father of American independent film" and the man who was called the "god of suspense." Although they may not seem to have anything in common, it was actually Hitchcock who made Altman famous as a director.

Although Altman directed his first feature-length feature film, ``Juvenile Delinquents,'' in 1957, he did not really emerge as a film director. Then, he got a job on the TV show `` Hitchcock Theater, '' where Hitchcock was the storyteller. Although Altman himself was not satisfied with his debut work, the master had a keen eye for identifying young talent. He gained a foothold in the industry by directing two films, ``Young Man'' starring Carol Lynley and ``Christmas Eve'' starring Joseph Cotten.

`` M*A*S*H '' (1970) is a black comedy set during the Korean War. ` `The Player '' (1992) is an ensemble drama that poignantly depicts the behind-the-scenes scenes of Hollywood. `` Gosford Park '' (01) is a mystery set in a country house on the outskirts of England. Although Altman has traversed a wide variety of genres, his career began with thrillers.

Altman has said in his book that he was influenced by Federico Fellini and Ingmar Bergman, but Hitchcock was never his favorite director.

"I've never been a big Hitchcock fan. His movies are too linear for me. I think Rear Window (1954) is his best. It takes away one of the senses. I liked the idea of ​​being able to see what's going on in the courtyard or in the apartment over there The Day After not being able to hear it.I also liked the idea of ​​fixing the main character, played by James Stewart, in a wheelchair, making him a voyeur.'' (*1)

The expression ``His films are too linear'' is very typical of Altman. Hitchcock creates suspense through the actions and reactions of the characters shown on screen. Altman, on the other hand, penetrates into the inner world of characters that are not shown on screen, delving deeper into their spiritual worlds. If Hitchcock is a realist writer, Altman is an expressionist writer.

A work photographed with Altman's sensibilities is ``That Cold Day in the Park'' (69).


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  2. movie
  3. That Cold Day in the Park
  4. "That Cold Day in the Park" Altman's expressionist production that looks into the abyss of humanity.