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  3. Videodrome
  4. “Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!
“Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!

©1982 Guardian Trust Company.All Rights Reserved.

“Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!


What is the “Videodrome” that turns people into video junkies?

Let's look back at the story. The main character, Max Ren, is the president of a cable TV station that is gaining popularity with its videos featuring violence and sex. Pursuing something more exciting, he is fascinated by footage from the pirate station Videodrome that was received by an engineer under his command. Assault, torture, and murder...he was intrigued, but ever since he saw this footage, he began to suffer from unexplained headaches and hallucinations.

Videodrome is an amazing thing that causes tumors to develop in the brains of those who view it, causing them to experience hallucinations. Behind the scenes, a conspiracy was lurking to use this to bring about a revolution in society. However, Max's girlfriend Nicky, who had started dating, becomes immersed in the world of Videodrome and leaves him, eager to appear in the show. And Max, too, is at the mercy of the intentions of the Videodrome developers...

“Videodrome” ©1982 Guradian Trust Company.All Rights Reserved.

After watching Videodrome, the perverted scene between Nicky, who has his ear pierced and bleeding from his earlobe, and Max, who indulges in sexual intercourse, is a depiction of lovers who are sexually aroused by a car accident. There is something similar to the work `` Crash '' (1996). Needless to say, intense obsession is one of the elements that make up Cronenberg's work. However, the shocking scenes don't stop there.


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  2. movie
  3. Videodrome
  4. “Videodrome” Is your “reality” really “reality”? Genius Cronenberg's provocation from 40 years ago is revived here!